I think the lyrics say so much in this song. I guess London is like this. If I did not work, I could not pay my rent and I guess there for the grace of God go I. There is a very thin line between those who have and those who have not. Listen to the words and enjoy.
Saturday: No lie in for me this morning! Up, out and off to the suburbs. This morning I went for a 'reading'. No big surprises. Not going to rich; or poor. Might have to move flat and could buy something (that is not going to happen for so many reasons), will do more travelling (alone), no romance on the horizon (sigh).
What can I say. It
has taken me five years to say it, but there are some really lovely men out
there and tonight’s date was one of them.
I was meeting the guy I met back in May, I think I called him Grayson as
he runs a gallery in the East End. He
has been away for most of the summer in Greece, then Portugal and finally New
York. I did say to him my heart was
bleeding for him as it must be such a drag!
Coupled with the fact that he was so tanned and I looked rather pale in
We met at the pub we went to last time and you know you
are on to a winner when he remembered what I drunk and had a gin and tonic
ready for me. We sat and chatted away
and just fell back in getting along so well.
We decided to go for a walk and see if we could find another bar.
However, we stumbled upon a gallery called Rivington Place – Autograph and
could see a people in there looking at photographs. That was it Grayson was
there like a shot. I said they won’t let us in we are not on the list and he
just grabbed my hand and rocked up and in we went. This is what he does; this is his job. So
there I am in a gallery with photographers and people walking around looking at
the prints. We grabbed a couple of rum punches (which were free much to our
amusement after or last date when we drunk all of Sophie’s proseco) and sat
talking. In fact, that is what we did
most of the evening. We looked at the photographs and some of them were
stunning. Mostly black and white and the exhibition was showing the work of
Raphael Albert who was a cultural promoter and entrepreneur who organised
beauty pageants in the late 1960s to the early 1990s whilst building up a
portfolio of aspiring models. It really was interesting.
Grayson (I really do not like this name for him now but
it will have to do) asked if I was hungry as he was so off we went to a
restaurant in Shoreditch called Hoi Polloi. It was such a lovely venue. We managed (I do not know how) to get a table
and we were talking about technology and it was so sweet as he really does not
do technology and we were talking about how people are always on their phone
and he said that he would not do that as he wanted to give me the attention I
deserved when I was with him. Yes, I
know, I as speechless. He had a burger and I had some wonderful
cauliflower. Now I know that does not
sound exciting but it was so lovely and really, really flavoured and
tasty. It was all washed down with a £36
bottle of red, which I know nothing about as I drink white. Fortunately, he drinks red and this one for
those of who do was a Malbec. We sat and
chatted and chatted and laughed and realised the restaurant was closed and we
were the last to leave. They had even locked the door lol.
We left and got enticed into a bar (which is not
difficult for us) and had a cocktail and got talking to two girls sitting on
the table next to us. Both were studying
Fine Art so Grayson was so happy chatting to them. We even had our photo taken with them, it was
so funny.
As we caught the night bus back to his flat we both could
not believe the time; it was 2.30am. We
had lost a couple of hours just engrossed in chatting and laughing. That was very much the theme for the rest of
the weekend. Chatting, laughing and in a time warp. We both feel so relaxed and comfortable with
each other and eventually it was suggested that I stayed Sunday night too and I
would get up early when he gets up to go and collect his daughter he cares
for. So the rest of the weekend was
spent drinking red wine, snuggled up on a bean bag in the lounge watching the
Soprano’s (will have to watch more of this) and match of the day (yes you did
read that right). He supports Arsenal
(of course he does he is a Londoner) and thank goodness they beat Chelsea 3-0.
Substitute yellow dress for red suede pointy shoes and you get the picture!
I had a wonderful afternoon and told Grayson that he had
restored my faith in men, even though it had taken five years. He is the one who has shown me that there
are some lovely men out there and I did tell him this and it was so good to
feel so comfortable with someone again.
We said our goodbyes at the end of his road and he caught the bus to go
and collect his daughter; and I did the walk of shame to the Overground. To say I was slightly overdressed for a
Monday morning was a slight understatement and i really do not think my red
suede shoes helped the situation. I did not care. I caught the Overground to Liverpool Street
just as London was on its way to work then the bus home. Thank goodness I was
working from home today.So here I am in the smug zone. I am sure we shall, at some point, see each
other again and if for some strange reason we don’t I have, after five years,
learnt a valuable lesson. I do not know where this journey is going, but I will just enjoy the moment.
So OK, I think I blogged this song when I featured The Smiths, but I don't care, I like it! Excellent words and as always, enjoy.
Monday: Today is Christmas Day. Well obviously it isn't but it is for me! Today I met my dear friend Jackie who is visiting England. Jackie moved to Wellington, New Zealand two years ago after meeting Mal, her Kiwi partner. I told myself I would not cry; I did. It was so good to see her and to finally met Mal. I also met her son Patrick who I had not seen since he was 9 (he is now 32) and his lovely partner Sophie. We went to Borough Market for coffee then Sophie and Patrick went off on their own and us three walked along the river; stopping for coffee and chats along the way. Jackie and I talked about not knowing where we belong and I explained to her that she will feel off balance when she returns to NZ at the weekend as part of her wants to be here and the other part wants and needs to be there. It really is a strange feeling. We met up with Sophie and Patrick and the five of us went to China Town for a fantastic meal, which Mal insisted on paying for. They both look so happy and relaxed together and I was happy to have finally met Mal. I told him to look after Jackie for me because she means a great deal to me. So it looks as if my trip to NZ will be next November. We talked about where I could stop over en route and where we will go when I am in NZ. Soon it was time to say our goodbyes and it was so emotional. People come in my life, then go and obviously I know why they have to do this, but it doesn't get any easier. So we cried and hugged and hugged and cried, but I guess that is what friends do and I was grateful that they had taken time out of their whistlestop trip to the UK to spend a day with me. Tuesday: So today I was at home all day and did not stop, in a good way. In my last job I could hardly leave my desk to go to the toilet (I am not kidding) and I always felt as if I was pushing an elephant up the stairs. In this job all is good. This evening I went to my local theatre the Southwark Playhouse. I love this little theatre but have noticed on the last two occasions things have changed. Firstly, there has been a rather big increase on the price of a diet coke. Now don’t get me wrong, I am not tight, far from it, but you notice these things. Secondly, once again, the theatre was only half full. Previously, there was never a spare seat in the house. I really hope this is not a reflection of things to come.
Tonight I went to see a play called The Greater Game by Michael Head based on the book ‘They Took The Lead’ by Stephen Jenkins. It starred Nick Hancock. It really was so strange to hear a Stoke accent again and it also reminded me that Nick Hancock actually delivered the eulogy of a dear friend who died far too young. All that aside the play was so moving. The play tells the story of the men who swapped the football fields of London for the battle fields of the Somme in 1916.
East London football club Leyton Orient, then known as Clapton Orient, was the first team to sign up its players, staff and supporters to fight in the First World War. Can you imagine that happening now! 41 men volunteered in all. Three of them never returned. The play tells the story of love, friendship and loss and was absolutely brilliant. It was so thought provoking and terribly moving. This play is part of the Royal British Legion’s centenary commemorations of the Battle of the Somme and Sports Remembers campaign. I guess it all just makes you think and be so thankful for those who gave so much for me to have the freedoms I enjoy today.
Wednesday: In this modern age one of the things you do not want to wake up to when you have a busy morning ahead is no wifi. That is exactly what happened this morning. So I had to decamp at the local Pret which was actually rather nice as there were plenty of things to distract me. I worked there for about an hour and then made my way up to Paddington Station (again) to start my journey down to Bristol. It will not be as tiring today as I am staying over this evening.
Thursday: I did not sleep well; it was too quiet. I am used to the constant stream of traffic outside of my bedroom window these days. Worked in my hotel room until 11.30ish and then went to explore Bristol. Managed to find myself some Banksy and another artist who look very much like Banksy, but it is not. Walked, dragging my suitcase behind me, down to the docks. I really liked it here and took some photos of the old cranes. If only they could talk, what a story they would tell. Mooched around and then realised the time and thought I would get a bus back to the train station. Big mistake. I guess I am conditioned now I live in London where there are buses every minute (well almost). In Bristol this does not happen. I waited and waited and waited and was getting quiet anxious about the time. In the end I grabbed a cab and made it (just for me) in time to catch the train back into town. I was so pleased to be home and I just love my crazy, diverse, manic neighbourhood. Andy had been working away too, so we were both tired. Chinese ordered and consumed and it was time for bed.
Friday: There's nothing like your own bed is there? I slept and then was rudely awoken, like I am every morning, by the six o'clock traffic outside. I was home. Working from home today which did not go to plan. Why do IT send you urgent updates but don't tell you that they will take all day to install? And then when it finally does, it does not work! Grrrr. As it is London Fashion Week I had a fashion show for Andy as I am out tomorrow night. But more about that later in case it doesn't happen. Also, I am keeping the fabulous red shoes I bought last week. I love them! Quiet evening as I should be having a busy, busy weekend ....... we shall see. I shall leave you with some more photos of my trip to Bristol.
Not one of the most well known Kirsty MacColl songs but one of my favourites and also I am a woman who likes shoes. As always, enjoy.
Friday: So the birthday celebrations continued this evening as Andy and I went to see Bridge Jones' Baby. I have waited 12 years for this and I guess it is no coincidence that it was released the same week as my birthday. I could not believe my eyes as once again, my life was being portrayed on the 'silver screen'. Scene after scene after scene had similarities to my little life. So spoiler alert. Listed below are some of the similarities between Bridget Jones (again) and me (again). We went to our favourite cinema now Picturehouse Central, we just love it there and they are doing a special viewing of this film that is dog friendly. I think it so the gays can take their little pug dogs in with them when they see the film ...... bless. So the film opens with Bridget celebrating her birthday. It has been my birthday this week. She starts singing 'All By Myself' again and then says 'fuck this' and starts dancing around to The House of Pain. I blogged this song last August ........... of course I did.
Bridget says 'thank God for the gays' I am ALWAYS saying this, word for word. If I did not know any different, I would say they have heard me say this and used it!
All Bridget's friends are settled down with partners and children and there is me and Bridget, still single and me living a ten minute walk from her flat.
Bridget has a cool job and works with some great people! So do I.
Bridget takes herself of to a festival and has a rave. So do I.
Bridget gets to meet famous people; so do I.
Bridget was told that she needed a good 'shag' ...... well so do I.
The main male characters in Bridget's life are a. Posh Totty and b. An American .......... sigh.... yes same here (well have been recently)
Bridget has nothing in her fridge; nor do I these days either.
Bridget practises safe sex with vegan condoms lol. You fill in the gaps.
Like Bridget, I am a SPILF .... A spinster I'd like to .......
All the men I date seem to have amazing jobs, so recently we have had: a children's author and illustrator (well not happened yet but is suppose to be this week ..... we shall see), artists, camera men working on popular TV programmes, famous chefs.
Bridget's flat is STILL next to my local market.
There is a scene where Bridget is talking to her friend (in my case when I speak to Jackie) and they are talking about finger puppets and no string puppets. This was just like our conversations, the ones we have so the kids can't understand.
Like Bridget I am the one who attends events on her own: the token spinster.
Bridget left an awful job without having another one lined up and then thought 'shit what have I done now'. Yep. I did that too.
There is a line in a U2 song that is: Where fact is fiction and TV reality. I think I will leave that there!
Saturday: Up at stupid o'clock and on the 7.30 train from Paddington to Bristol for work. I was observing some training today and it was good to get out of the city and the training was interesting too. However, it was a long day and I did not get back to the flat until 20:00 and I was exhausted. I like Bristol, the feel of it, well what I saw of it but I have been there before. Andy had cooked tea and I ate that and then went to bed. I was so tired.
Sunday: Never woke up so no Trews. But I did not feel well either. Not a good start to the day. I had to go up the West End to take some shoes back and to collect some new work trousers. To be honest, I could have done with out it. But I went. Ended up buying two new pairs of shoes: one pair sensible; the others because I loved them (they are red suede pointed things).
Got back to the flat and says relaxed all afternoon on my bed as I really did not feel well. Managed to have some eggs on toast but still felt meh. It will pass. It has been a great few days.
Originally sang by the Kinks, I do like this version though. Again, the lyrics, for me, sum up so much. It is such a happy song, tinged with sadness which I guess sums up life. As always, enjoy!
Monday: So I had a moment today and quite out of the blue purchased a ticket to go and see Sunny Afternoon; a musical about The Kinks nonetheless. I had seen it advertised on numerous occasions and thought that it may be OK. Basically, it is a play about the life of Ray Davies and the story of The Kinks but based around their songs. The ticket cost the grand sum of £15. I had a voucher for Pizza Express, so my dinner cost me £5. Who said living in London has to be expensive. When I arrived at the theatre I was shown my seat which was, literally a seat, a wooden chair, screwed the ground with a table in front of me. I could touch the stage. It was not looking good when the offered you earplugs as it was going to be load. I told myself that I had seen ACDC enough times so could put up with this. However, what I could not put up with was the southern drawl Americans sitting next to me on my cabaret table. I thought that I would give it to he interval and if it was too much, leave. It was brilliant. So, so good. The cast were so energetic and the lead actor looked so much like Ray Davies. I really enjoyed it. They played all of the classic Kinks hits and I could really see where Oasis and especially Blur, got their inspiration from. Ironically, they also sang Days so I thought it would be rude not to include their version in this blog. Then two more of my favourites: Waterloo Sunset and Lola. At the end everyone, including me, were on their feet, singing and dancing. It really was a great show. I decided on the way home that I needed to see my Waterloo Sunset, albeit dark. I caught the bus and got off at Waterloo Bridge and walked across. It is a reflective week this week and I stood for quite a while watching the river and looking at London in all her glory and got quite emotional thinking what my life was and where I am now. It was such a warm, lovely evening and I really did not want to go home but reluctantly waited on Waterloo Bridge for the bus and then home. I think November will be the songs of The Kinks!
Tuesday: London is so warm today, 31 degrees. So what did I do all day? Used public transport. Joy, oh joy. Trip up to Hampstead this morning then back down to Charing Cross and on a train to the suburbs. To say it was warm would be an understatement and I was dressed as if I was on holiday and my hair was tied up. I will not complain, it can stay like this for me but I have learnt today that travelling on public transport from one end of the City to the other in a day, in the heat is not good. Back home and showered and then a lovely meditation and Reiki session to finish off the day. Andy is in the kitchen making me a Reese's Birthday Cake. He assures me it has no calories whatsoever. However, considering the ingredients are butter, chocolate, icing sugar and peanut butter I really do not believe him. He knows what I like and a peanut butter birthday cake hits the nail right on the head. Wednesday: So it is here again, my
birthday. I am grateful for still being
here and I have lost many people on the way who would love to be seeing yet
another birthday. I received some beautiful
cards, had numerous Facebook postings, text messages and phone calls and to be
honest, I felt quite overwhelmed and emotional about it all. So much love.
I had intended to give myself a quieter day; it did not happen.
I eventually left the flat at
4.30 and made my way up to Kensington on the bus. London has been absolutely boiling today, the
sun was shining and all was well.
Grabbed a coffee and waited for Andy to arrive and then we went off for
dinner. We had booked to go to Scoff and
Banter in Kensington. We had a lovely meal and a glass of proseco. We had a voucher we brought from Time
Out. We do this quite a bit as we get to
go to lovely restaurants for a reasonable price. Stuffed and contented we made our way home.
So in my typical birthday
tradition, here are 56 (one for every one of my 29 years – you do the maths)
things I have learnt this year. Enjoy.
ALWAYS come back. Therefore, Meg will
one day too.
American men are circumcised.
means horny in German ..... yes this is true!
Germany everyone has to be naked. I wished I had known this fact before I went
to Berlin.
was right. Barcelona is such a beautiful
hour in Berlin consists of 3 cars.
odd of pulling someone gorgeous are better than Leicester winning the
league! Go me.
need to walk away from shit you just don’t need. Just like I did when I resigned without
having another job. The best thing I
ever could have done.
Eurostar is fab.
men on Jewish Tinder are not interested in me considering I am aware of fact 2.
Of this list ;)
is absolutely fine to book a trip at midnight and go the next day and starting
the journey with a champagne breakfast will now become the norm.
in doubt, just hit it with a hammer.
rent increase (in my case thank goodness) equates to same as buying a lunch in
am now fully educated in the intimacies of a gay men’s sauna. Yes, I have been inside one!
‘Barbie’ museum will always make me laugh.
are NEVER too old to rave!
is the best drug ever.
food is one of the best Sunday dinners.
never want to hear Kylie’s version of Wheels on Fire ever again.
can walk into an Irish bar, in Barcelona and sit with a bunch of England fans,
with my bucket of bear and watch England lose again.
Bowie is going to be so missed.
can go from drinking out of a bottle of Peroni on a date to drinking a bottle
of a very nice and expensive Sauvignon Blanc on a date.
men can wear ‘jewellery’ in the most unconventional places ;)
really, really need some kinky boots in my life.
got married and I never met her but drunk her Prosecco and she could not afford
our bar bill. The best date ever with
four pints of lager ALL communication devices should be removed from me.
should not drink lager.
beyond Zone 2 is suburbia. That place is
a different country and they do things differently there.
buy vegan wine.
wedding with a free bar is a recipe for disaster and a test of a good
friendship ..... Andrew Murphy!
is no time limit on having a good time especially when you are on the perfect
36 hour date (see 25 above),
Royal Albert Hall is amazing.
is so funny how Jo Malone bags just have a habit of throwing themselves at me.
too old to ride a bike.
am pretty good at what I do and now realise this as it has got me my fantastic
you just have to walk away without saying goodbye.
have made some wonderful new friends.
year’s number is 36. You work it out!
am still shit at maths even though I have learnt BODMAS oh and some of the
Challenge is great as I look at some of the contestants and realise I will get
a date.
still can’t use chop sticks.
is the only state in America.
have popped my Nando’s cherry and it wasn’t too bad.
may as well continue to lie about my age as no one believes me anyway.
are still so many interesting, creative and unique people I need to meet in
is still not thing as a coincidence.
will never be constrained by the social construction of my birth certificate
and will always challenge the social norms related to my age!
would like a kitchen sink with a mini bowl or two bowls in it (used to have one
in a past life).
is no coincidence that the latest Bridge Jones’ film in years was released in
my birthday week.
is always something happening somewhere.
are all so fragile and most of the stuff we go on about is just shit – none of
it matters. There is no plan.
still do not know the difference between Ollie Murs and Bruno Mars – Fabio I
hope you are reading this.
are never too old to do something that absolutely terrifies you.
make ice cream – but only in the states and it is the food of the devil.
dear friend, who has always reflected my life so well, is back. I have missed
you Bridget.
have a beautiful aura – this was one of the most loveliest things anyone has
ever said to me. Shame they were drunk
at the time!
Thursday: So a quiet day toady, which was welcomed after the events of the few days.
I think me and Kirsty could have been friends you know. She sang about things that us single girls know all about; albeit with a glint in her eye. Whilst I am not one for country music, this tune does make me smile. But I guess it is because of the words. As always, enjoy!
Saturday: I woke up this morning not feeling the love. Not one little bit. To say I was rather apathetic would be an understatement. I hate this when it happens. I know why and I am working on it but it is the time of the year again. I guess I am proof that even with a shattered heart you can keep going, but at a price. This morning I was having my hair done. This normally cheers me up; didn't really today. Also, right on time, it was raining. It always rains when I have my hair done. However, Lynn made a good job of it and colour has been restored. However, I am worried about how much hair I seems to be falling out. More joy. Andy and I were out this evening. It was my birthday present for him. We met his friends up my stomping ground; Hoxton and had a drink and then made our way to the secret place. I cannot tell you where it was but needless to say this was not going to be a 'normal' night out. Andy has done a couple of these events before and has spoken about them as great fun. We entered the premises 'The Chambers of Flavour'. I had an amazing experience where each course of my meal was set around an immersive theatrical scene. You are not allowed to tell people about it. Tickets have been sold out until December. But all I will say is I went down a slide, ended up in a ball pit and had trouble getting out of it. I crawled through tunnels and sat on bean bags with a teddy. No I had not been drinking. Well I had a couple but this was the whole dining experience. It was brilliant and the food was really good. I loved it, I really did and would certainly do another one. Needless to say you were not allowed to take photos of the experience but they were happy for you to take photos as we waited to go in. I have also included the link to their webpage. If you ever get the chance to experience this, do so. You will have an amazing time. http://www.chambersofflavour.co.uk/
Sunday: Still not feeling the love ....... sigh! It is exhausting. I have to work so hard to hold it all together. The Universe decided to test me today, just to add to the fun and games. Firstly, no bus to Trews, London Bridge was closed. I caught the tube up to Old Street and found a brilliant new coffee shop. I wished I had more time to check it out as it was full of little curios. I will definitely go back and the coffee was so good too! Medication was very good; quite an emotional one for me, but I know why. I did not stay around. Like I said, it is so exhausting putting on a face all the time. So I said my excuses and left not having a clue where I was going. Such a beautiful day in London and I cannot help thinking it will be the last weekend of Summer in London. I walked along the canal and up to Victoria Park. This is one of my favourite parks in London. It has something for everyone. I found a bench, in the sunshine and started to read my book. I had a walk around, fortunately, the skate park was quiet, well it was busy but some of you will know what I mean by that statement. Sat somewhere else and read and then thought I better start to make tracks back. A really difficult journey home as half of London was closed because of a bike race! I had to wait ages for a bus, yes I know being tested. So back home and feet up. I had half an hour on my bed just reflecting and will just watch a film on TV tonight. It is times like this that I am so thankful I have Andy. He knows why I am feeling like this; I don't have to explain to him. He, like me, knows it will pass. I am reminding myself to be thankful for the moment and all the positive things I have and will meditate quite a bit this week me thinks. This time will pass but all will be well.
The good thing about having a featured artist each week is you can then look back over their back catalogue and reconnect with songs that you have not heard for years. I had totally forgotten Kirsty had done this one (Tracey Ullman did a remake). It just makes me want to sing along. As always, enjoy!
Monday: It is here again. Where are the weeks going. Working form home today so I also made some sourdough bread. It made me move away from the laptop every now and then to do something with it. The problem working from home is, you do not move around so much and also you spend so much time at the laptop. This is not always good. Anyway, the bread turned out ok. I was chatting on the phone and almost forgot it, but fortunately all was well and even if I say so myself, it really was tasty.
For dinner we had some bits and pieces to go with the bread: olives, sun dried tomatoes, an avocado dip thing I made and other things. A hipster's dinner. It really was tasty and made a change, especially for a Monday evening.
Tuesday: London is very grey and humid today; awful. This has resulted in my having a headache for most of the afternoon, which is not good. After work I made my way up to Pimlico for my meditation group and this actually helped to relieve the headache thank goodness. Back home and that was that really. Not a bad day;nothing exciting, but good all the same.
Wednesday: Facebook is a wash with back to school photos today. I remember every year, come rain or shine, I would take a photo of Meg proudly in her new school uniform, with new shoes and bag as she was all ready to embrace another year. Oh those memories.
Working from home today and once again London is grey and humid. However, I ventured out lunchtime to get some not so fresh air and to take the DVDs back to the library and grab a coffee. London has been almost tropical today and by the time I got back to the flat, I was ready for another shower. Quite night watching GBBO (Great British Bake Off) which has turned into our new University Challenge with a twist as we are just giggling at the comments made. Such gems as 'you have a think handle' 'Oh when you get inside, it is all soft'. I shall park those comments there.
Thursday: Well last night I thought I was back in Bangkok. In fact, Bangkok would have been cooler. Working from home again this morning and got so much done by 8.30! Go me. Later on in the day I took myself off to my lovely coffee shop in Bermonsey and sat reading my book for an hour, taking in the sunshine and counting my blessings.
After work I took myself down to the South Bank, by the Tate Modern. The extension to the gallery is now finished and I rather like it. I like the way the light fulls on it and kind of changes the shape of the structure. However, the reason why I went down there was to see a new art installation by a Korean artist called Ik-Joong Kang and it is made up of hundreds of drawings from Korean people who had to flee from the North after the Korean war. Their pictures paint a story of what they have left behind as many of them now are in their 80s. If you take a look at the following link, it will give you more details:
On top of the cube is a statue that is holding a torch which beams a ray of light across the Thames. I was really quite moved by this if I am honest. It was simple but so wonderful. I really liked it and stood watching it as the sun come down. The tourists are reducing in numbers at the moment but I did notice a South Asian woman just standing there watching the cube bob up and down on the Thames, then when she left, she just gently bowed their head. So moving.
Friday: Home all morning and then made my way into the suburbs. Quite an emotional afternoon work wise, so on the way home I treated myself to a lovely bunch of yellow roses - just to brighten my mood. A plan that I was working on has not delivered. I had put my name down to go to Spain to teach English for a week but I had left it too late and all the places had been taken. Not to be put off and with five days annual leave to use up, I went on to Easy Jet's page and looked at all the places I have never been too. So the top and bottom is I am going to Vienna in November to listen to some Mozart and eat cake! I have booked an Airbnb, something I have never used before but my friend Sarah uses all the time.
The irony of it is that the fight cost less than a ticket on the train to Stoke (not that I want to go back to Stoke) and the accommodation for three nights was the equivalent to one night in a hotel. I have E150 left from Barcelona so all in all, it will be a reasonably priced trip. Let's face it, I cannot have wasted annual leave can it.
Oh this used to be my Meg's favourite track. I can see us now, the CD in the car, blaring out, us singing as I drove her to Junior School. Such fond, happy, priceless memories. I wonder if she thinks of me when she hears this? As always, enjoy!
Saturday: Terrible nights sleep. It seems that every time I drink a vineyard I end up getting cramp in my feet and legs. I don't know, I have Googled it and it is more common with red wine (of course it is); I drink white wine. So a big sluggish today (not a hangover). Eventually got moving and walked up to Bermondsey and grabbed a coffee at one of my favourite places and sat and red my book and watched the work go by. I then walked over Tower Bridge and made my way to Waitrose at St Catherine's Dock. I wanted to buy some flour to make more bread. Who would have thought that my local large Waitrose was within walking distance and on such a tourist route. Needless to say, they (the tourists) were out again in force and I swear if I get smacked in the face by a rucksack on more time this summer I will not be held responsible for my actions.
Ended up catching the bus back as the flour was rather heavy. Lazy rest of the day, but I did only have about two hours sleep all night. It is ok having a quiet weekend now on then as last week was full on and the next few are going to be busy too.
Sunday: Decided earlier on that I really should go out today, so I did. I walked up to our local little hipster pop up thingy which is where my library is based. With new book in hand I then went downstairs for yet more coffee and I sat there watching the world go by feeling quite peaceful. Went and done a little bit of necessary shopping then back home to the flat to catch up on blogging, paperwork and stuff. All good. At the library today I also picked up two DVDs so we watched them. The first was Steve Jobs about the Apple guy. It was OK, I knew it was going to be a lot of dialogue but I didn't feel the love for it if I am honest. Shame, as I wanted to go and see it at the cinema. It was only £2.50 for two DVDs for a week; great value. You have to love the library. The second film was Bad Education the movie, which we thought may be a bit crap. It was so funny. Talk about seeing your life acted out on the big screen. The first scene was them at Ann Frank's house in Amsterdam with Jack Whitehall stoned out of his mind. This would have been us if I had not insisted on us going back to our room that afternoon. I laughed and laughed. The film was (in my opinion) really funny. Also, let's face it, Jack Whitehall is very easy on the eye. Well just checked his age and he is 28 so younger than me so that is OK then! So another weekend comes to an end. I keep saying it, but I really do not know where the year is going. I actually saw Christmas cards in the shop near me the other day. I mean, really?
I wanted to use the music of a woman for September as it is my birthday month and I did have a few to chose from but Kirsty MacColl was, in my opinion, a unsung hero. She had so much talent yet like many, died, tragically far to young. I remember singing these true to life lyrics to my Meg as I took her to school (her favourite is another track that I will blog later on in the month). As always, enjoy.
Bank Holiday Monday: I did not really have any plans today. Let's face it, the past two days have been very full on. So a lazy morning, in my room, blogging, watching the reruns of Wire in the Blood. I did like these when they first come out and it is so good to watching them again. You can't beat a good psychological drama can you. Finally, decided to move and make my bed, shower etc at 13:00. Well that is what Bank Holidays are for aren't they? Makes up for all those years of decorating or gardening. So a quiet day and I watched the The Talented Mr Ripley. How good is that
film? I obviously missed it in past life as I was busy being that awful parent that I was, you know the one, always out having her own life. Anyway, what a great film that was, I really liked it. We then started to watch Bad Education on Netflix. So, so, so funny. So all and all a good bank holiday. Tuesday: Working from home this morning as I finished uber late on Friday. It was such a beautiful day that I packed my bag with a blanket, book and bottle of water and headed to the South Bank. On the way out the postman had been and I had a surprise parcel from my dear friend Jackie in New Zealand. There was a lovely card and a gift of a buxom woman (we saw them when we were in Leek when she come up to visit me). I have named her Jackie, of course and she has pride of place in my room. It was such a lovely surprise. It was a big mistake going to the South Bank as the
rest of the world were there. I ended up on a bench by the National Theatre. I had a date lined up (as you do when you are single and a modern girl). Very sweet guy and I shall call him Steven Spielberg! You can fill in the gaps. We went for a drink at the NT but he had to rush off as he has a busy week and flies to Greece for three weeks next week for work ......... sigh! Oh well, I am going to Bristol soon! I remained by the river, reading my book and enjoying the glorious sunshine then ending up in Waitrose for some bits for dinner and caught the bus home as I really could not be bothered to walk because of too many people. It has been a really good day. Wednesday: Busy day at work, well home. Three Skype meetings, go me! Actually, I quite like them to be honest as it means I can yawn in a meeting without anyone noticing me! Bit of headache by the end of the evening and also I am chewing over a sensitive dilemma that is making me feel anxious but I will figure it out. Quiet night in sorting out bills and other money stuff then kicking back trying to finish my book and watching the Great British Bake Off. Rock and roll my friends; rock and roll. Thursday: Good day today, working from home but I did nip out to our new local Pret for a well earned caffeine fix. Should have had a date today but as usual nothing materialised. I do not get excited about it any more. I did say that Channel 5 should commission a show where they take eight people who have been in a long term relationship and then shove them into the shark infested waters of what is now dating! I tell you no one would survive it is vile out there. So consoled myself with a ready meal from Waitrose and The Great British Menu. All is well. Friday: Again. The week has flown by and today my new boss leaves. I am rather sad about it to be honest, she was going before I arrived, so it was not a shock, but I really like her and feel that we could work together so well. So in the best tradition of the place I am now working, we were in the pub at 3.30. I had such a wonderful evening. I work with some fantastic people and this is why I come to London; to have a life. Where I worked before no one saw the real me, yet tonight God help them they saw me. It was so funny, well I did have six large glasses of dry white wine and the conversation ranged from dating nightmares to Calvin Harris cage fighting with Barry Manilow in Las Vegas. You know it is going to end badly. No one believed my age and I mean seriously did not believe my age with one guy thinking I was late 30's early 40's I wish lol. It was such a brilliant evening and I finally got home around midnight. I took make up off, climbed in bed and sat eating chips whilst watching Corrie! Is it any wonder I am still single. Student life my friends, student life. FYI it is a good job I am not in the office on Monday let it all die down a bit, but roll on the Christmas Party!