What goes on inside The great suburban housewife? It's entertainments day. Whatever happened to her dreams? Whatever happens, there is no regrets that anyone can see. All she wanted is a safe place where everyone could stay. All she wanted slipped away (Ordinary People - Nick Heyward)
Such a lovely song. Not one of the most well known ones (mind you I am starting to struggle and think my friend Sarah was right, it is going to be difficult to fill a month) yet the lyrics hit a nerve. As always, enjoy!
Saturday: Up early as it is Rave time again. This time there are five of us going. Andy and Zoe his sister, Emma and Hannah who I know from Trew Era cafe. Unfortunately, there are engineering works on the underground so we hand to change at Baker Street and fortunately met the girls there. So we all caught the bus together. The venue for this Rave was changed at the last minute so we had to find somewhere else. We had some glitter put on our faces and soon the music was pumping and we were off. I cannot tell you enough about the energy, you can just feel it. We danced then had a chat and danced some more and unfortunately the morning went so quickly. We all had such a great time and enjoyed every minute of it. There was one woman there who was totally amazing. I would not like to put an age on her, you know me and numbers, but she will not see 50 again. She was dancing and raving with the best of them. I so want to be that woman. She had so much energy and life. I went up and gave her the biggest hug because I wanted some of her energy. Just goes to show, the only person who stops you doing things is you.
https://www.facebook.com/morninggloryvillelondon/videos/1087931867960696/?__mref=message_bubble We said our goodbyes and made our way home to some lovely sough dough bread, avocado and mushroom pate. I have to admit that after I had some lunch and a shower I was rather tired. By it had been a great morning. I felt totally relaxed and went to my room, giving Andy and Zoe some time on their own, and promptly dozed off. What a life. In the evening we ordered some pizza and sat and watched The Grand Budapest Hotel. I wanted to see this film when it come out but it never made it to Stoke, well only to the Film Theatre at the university and I missed it. It was so good. I really enjoyed it. So if you haven't seen it, I can certainly recommend it. Sunday: Up and out and off to Trew Era for meditation. Lovely group setting and today was our First Birthday. I never went to the first one; joining on the second week but I cannot believe that a whole year has passed. I walked down through Hoxton and Shoreditch and up to Spitalfields (again) and stopped for coffee (again) and read my book (again). I guess this is what Sundays are made for. I was having one of those falling in love with London days. I still cannot believe that I live here and all these amazing places are at my fingertips. How lucky am I. Went and grabbed some Wasabi for my Sunday dinner and made tracks home. I virtually home when the strangest of things happened. A van pulled up along side me and the guy got out. I will not lie I did think 'shit'. He come over to me and said that he had seen me on several occasions walking around here and I was always smiling and he thought I was gorgeous and do I have a partner. I cannot lie; I thought someone was winding me up. He was not my type so I said that I had a partner. He kept saying how disappointed he was but respected the fact I was with someone but he just wanted to let me know that he thought I was lovely and beautiful. Obviously, he was not blind as he was driving a van. I gave him a hug and wished him well. So thank you Steve you made my day and gave me hope. It just goes to show, you never know who is watching so you have to look good at all times. Gave me a giggle anyway.
Oh Ian you been on the beet again lol. It's all over now. Next track (not a Nick Heyward one) you will love ...... For the words st least. Have a great weekend!
Mmm just cannot get into this Nick Haywards.
ReplyDeleteOh Ian you been on the beet again lol. It's all over now. Next track (not a Nick Heyward one) you will love ...... For the words st least. Have a great weekend!