When I'm getting off my train and my love is on my brain, every day and every night. The only thing that makes it right is seeing my favourite sight (Fantastic Day - Haircut 100)
So it is August. I mean really. What is happening? Where is the year and my life going? Not even going there with that one. I heard this artist/band on the radio the other day and it made me smile; I mean really smile. I have always liked them and their rather short (in my opinion career). They songs are summer and even if I hear a track in the depths of winter, it just takes me right back to those warm summer days. So this month we are going to look at the music of ...................... Haircut 100 and Nick Heyward. See the 80's had such good music and I am a sucker for the saxophone. I have kicked off the month with possibly (until I rediscover others) my favourite track. Fantastic Day, well for a Monday it was not so bad but more about that later. As always, enjoy.
Monday: I chose the above lines because I fall in love at least fifty times a day. In fact today at lunchtime, I fell in love three times before the bus moved from first to second gear. This is not good. Sigh. Challenging day today, it reminded me about the organisation I work for and the impact situations have on love ones. Back to the station I found a lovely bakery earlier (I sneaked in for a cup of coffee) and treated myself to a rye sourdough bread, see I can do hipster and duly went home and had it with avocado - very hipster.
Really busy day at work, which was home and the said bakery. Whilst I was out and about I come across this picture of a suitcase which really made me smile. Only in London. I was wondering if they wanted skimmed or soya milk. I guess I will never knows. The time just flies and I love the autonomy my new job gives me. However, as much as I try, my mood is still low and I finally went to bed as I was getting so angry with everyone - that is people on Facebook, people on Corrie and to be honest, anyone who I clapped eyes on. I was better off just being on my own.
Tuesday: Poor old Andy, I do feel for him. He really does get the brunt of it all. Up and into the office today so I decided to walk. It takes me about 40 minutes, but it is a good walk and it was great to be in the office. A good day productively. I really have worked so hard the past few weeks, putting in the hours to be noticed. After work, I made my way over to Pimlico for a Meet Up group. On the way there I come across this wonderful Crown Estate. If only this was where I was living in London. The group is the same as my Sunday one; another meditation group. So much for getting out there and meeting people. I did meet some lovely people: an Italian woman with little English, two gay men (sigh) and another bloke that I did not have a clue with (sigh again). Fortunately, the mediation was good. But I really do have to ask myself.
Back home and once again, I was tired so virtually went to my room some 90 minutes after getting in.
Wednesday: Busy day today, I was out all day walking the streets of South East London! I never go in until turned 7.00. Andy is out tonight, but more about that later. Tea in the oven and a night in my room. Then my mobile rang and it was an 01782 number. For those of you who do not know, that is the area code for Stoke! I hate it when this happens. My heart misses a beat, even though I know it is just a random call. It was a random call, with a very Stoke accent. The Universe is really testing me at the moment.
So Andy has Date Night tonight with The Man, my friend. I am pleased for them both but it has put me, or I have put me, in a no win situation. I have been here before and it did not end good. I feel a bit bad as I have distanced myself from the situation but I am happy for Andy. I hope all has gone well and I guess I will just have to wait and see.
Thursday: It did not go well; in fact it went spectacularly bad. Andy and are are so alike, at times it frightens the living daylights out of me. The top and bottom of it is we are just tarts with a heart. We are the ones there being kind, making sure everyone else is ok, helping them along, only to be left high and dry and on our own. We are both convinced we are going to die alone. Well we wont because we have each other, but you get my meaning. Last night was very difficult for me and terrible for Andy, but we shall bounce back, because that is what people like us do. Paint on a smile and make out all is well.
Busy day at work and I did not finish until 7.00pm but all good and just a quiet night in with Andy ans we sat and discussed what is wrong with us! If any of you have the answers please let me know.
Friday: Worked from home first thing and was trying to stay positive. I knew the Universe had a plan. Let my flat never even got out of the front door and I was reminded of a blast from the past. Vera, our neighbour's 'grocery cart' was on the landing. You may recall from last year that Bart (aka the American) carried Vera's 'grocery cart' (as he called it) up the stairs for her and I never heard the last of it 'oh that lovely American man of yours was so lovely' etc.
Great excitement in our neighbourhood today. Pret a Manger have opened. For those of you who do not know, Pret are everywhere in London (and other towns). Basically, it is a coffee shop. Now whilst I would prefer to spend my money somewhere independent, this is good as our neighbourhood goes. It also means that I have a new office space to work out of. Went to work and it was like a ghost town. I had to book my first business trip! Yes you did read that right. I am going to Bristol in September for a few days. I love my new job. No one has to approve it; I just book it.
As I was in the office and so was Andy we walked home together and went into Tesco for some bits and bobs and cooked a lovely dinner of Mediterranean vegetables and pasta. We then had a Girls Night In. Meg and I used to do this on a Friday when JF went out. So we sat there drinking Cosmopolitans and our face packs on, making peace with the week. All will be well, because it has to be as we are too nicer people for it not to be so.
Love plus one, that was haircut 100. I think you may struggle to fill a month with them but undoubtedly your memory is better than mine. Ah prêt, where you have to take out a mortgage to afford a sandwich. Yes I miss them too. It's funny, right after I commented before on here about waitrose, I got an ad on my Facebook for a company that delivers waitrose food all over the world. Maybe the same will happen with pret. And as for what's wrong with you, maybe you spend too much time worrying about what other people think? xx
Hello Sarah. Yes, that one is coming up! My memory and Google will get me through the month. The coffee is cheap at Pret. £1.85 for an Americano (my coffee of choice) so I can make that last a good hour and work from there. The Big Brother of FB, I hate it when it does that, but it is the times we are living in. As for worrying, I do not think it is a question of worrying it more like where the hell do you go to find someone who just gets it lol. Hugs and love xxx
There is nothing wrong with either you or Andy, it's all the other buggas!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you Jackie, unfortunately the superficial twats that are in the majority do not agree with you lol x
ReplyDeleteLove plus one, that was haircut 100. I think you may struggle to fill a month with them but undoubtedly your memory is better than mine.
ReplyDeleteAh prêt, where you have to take out a mortgage to afford a sandwich. Yes I miss them too. It's funny, right after I commented before on here about waitrose, I got an ad on my Facebook for a company that delivers waitrose food all over the world. Maybe the same will happen with pret.
And as for what's wrong with you, maybe you spend too much time worrying about what other people think?
Hello Sarah. Yes, that one is coming up! My memory and Google will get me through the month. The coffee is cheap at Pret. £1.85 for an Americano (my coffee of choice) so I can make that last a good hour and work from there. The Big Brother of FB, I hate it when it does that, but it is the times we are living in. As for worrying, I do not think it is a question of worrying it more like where the hell do you go to find someone who just gets it lol. Hugs and love xxx