Ain't no stoppin' us now We're on the move Ain't no stoppin' us now We've got the groove There's been so many things That's held us down But now it looks like Things are finally comin' around (Ain't No Stopping Us Now - McFadden and Whitehead)
Oh you can't beat a bit of disco can you? This one takes me back with those electronic drum things. I bet you all remember this one. Oh Bridget I get more like you every day. Here I am, on my bed, fluffy PJs on, glass of wine, listening to this and writing my diary (well blog). Fact or fiction? I do wonder at times. As always, enjoy and do sing along ........ you know you want to!
Saturday: So a lazy start to the day. I stayed up late and watched Trainspotting, I do like this film and it did not finished until 1.00am. Had a lovely surprise this morning too. My friend Margaret in Stoke rang me. We have not 'spoken' since I left Stoke even though we 'chat' regularly via Facebook. It was so, so lovely talking with her and it was a brilliant start to my day. Up, washed and dressed I left the flat and made my way up to the West End. Firstly, I had to go and collect two new tops that I had ordered, and very pleased I was with them too. Then off to M&S to purchase some Euros. I was not happy with the rate I got this time compared to the last time I purchased some, but hey ho. As I left the Bureau de Change I saw their Christmas department and went bought a little fairy for Christmas. I was quite taken back by the lights in Regent Street and London is getting dressed for Christmas; I am rather excited about it. I walked away from Oxford Street as it was so busy and found myself in Grosvenor Square, a part of town I have not visited for years. Past all the lovely, expensive shops I found myself back in a shop I went in first thing - Penhaligon's in Regent Street. When I past this store the smell coming from it is amazing. I treated myself to a bottle of their perfume and shower gel. It was so expensive and makes my lovely Jo Malone look like Avon. I had the bottled engraved, as you do, with 'Just because I can!' because let's face it, I can! Made my way down to Piccadilly and to Picturehouse Central. Oh how I like this cinema. I went to get my ticket and went back downstairs to the cafe for a coffee and cake. Went to the bar and got my large glass of Malbec and made my way to see the film. Tonight I went to see I, Daniel Blake. I had heard so many things about this film, I was not disappointed. It was about a guy called Daniel Blake, who had a heart attack and was not well enough to find work, but not ill enough to claim benefits. I have seen this so many times in my professional life. He meets a young, single mother at the Job Centre and they form a relationship of surviving. I could be a Daniel Blake. I have no family to rely on, if I do not work, I do not live. Daniel Blake did not live. I cried at one point as the young woman went to a shop to buy food for her children, but shop lifted sanitary towels. It was just so depressingly sad and a world that I could really relate to, as I have seen it. Everyone should go and see I, Daniel Blake. I left the cinema and went to wait for a bus, but none come so I walked down to Trafalgar Square to get a bus at Whitehall. I had walked into a riot. Anti establishment protesters raising their voices for 5 November. I have never seen so many police in my life. As I started to walk down Whitehall the crowd left Trafalgar Square and were following me. They were wearing masks and letting off fireworks. I do not do either. It was a tad scary to be honest so I made my way to Embankment Tube and got a tube home. I was so pleased to get in and close the door to be honest. Sunday: It was so cold this morning as I made my way up to Hoxton to meditation group and it was good meet up with dear friends. I walked to Spitalfields with Emma and Hannah then caught a bus to my neck of the woods. I had to go to my local Marks and Spencer to collect and item I ordered yesterday, grabbed some food in the supermarket and made my way home to a cold flat. Heating on, I laid up on the bed and promptly fell asleep. I was awoken by Andy who had returned from his holiday and we spent the next couple of hours catching up on our week. I have missed him. When Grayson come over in the week he saw the pictures of me and Andy on in our lounge and said that we looked like brother and sister. That made me smile. I have loads of things I should be doing and I am not doing any of them. I am quite tired to be honest. At least I do not have work tomorrow so I can have a slow start. So fell asleep really early and had the most strangest of dreams. I had a baby, a baby boy then (as you do) just bumped into George Michael and Andrew Ridgely. Old George was in his Faith leather jacket and I was all over him like a rash, but also thought that old Andrew was easy on my eye. By this time I had abandoned the baby somewhere as I was taking selfies with me and George. All very bizarre. I left them and gave George a flirty wave at the door. I know! I know! What would a psychologist make of all that. Monday: Yes you did read that right. It is Monday and the reason why you have Monday tagged onto the weekend is because I am off tomorrow on my travels. Lazy start to the morning and woke to a rather lovely text message from Grayson, so all good there. Dragged my sorry carcass finally out of bed and then thought that I really should start making the effort to pack a few things. I am annoyed as I am having to take my larger case as I do not want to be lifting a case up over my head! Annoying. So obviously as I am only away for a few days it did not take long to do. So I spent my day with my friend Sarah. She is back in London for a few days and it was so great to catch up again. We chatted and laughed and shared stories. I cooked some food and well all sat and ate together. It was so lovely to hear of all her tales from her travels and now she is off again! I am so envious as she is off to Australia. Oh how I would like some of that heat. We had such a lovely day and I do miss her. But we shall Skype and catch up. So all is well.
yes Ken Loach is amazing, at 80 something still making movies about stuff he believes in. I read that the bit where they go to the food bank and she suddenly starts eating the beans because she was so hungry, the other actors didn't know she was going to do that and that's who it ended up so emotional. Yes thanks for the dinner and everything. I will see you when/if I come back. My lottery ticket didn't win, so probably when.
Hi Sarah. Yep that film was so moving and that scene really hit hard. It was so emotional and one that I know to be so true. You are more than welcome my house is your house and all that! We shall see each other again, not sure on what continent, but we shall meet up soon. Hugs and much love my friend xx
yes Ken Loach is amazing, at 80 something still making movies about stuff he believes in. I read that the bit where they go to the food bank and she suddenly starts eating the beans because she was so hungry, the other actors didn't know she was going to do that and that's who it ended up so emotional.
ReplyDeleteYes thanks for the dinner and everything. I will see you when/if I come back. My lottery ticket didn't win, so probably when.
Hi Sarah. Yep that film was so moving and that scene really hit hard. It was so emotional and one that I know to be so true. You are more than welcome my house is your house and all that! We shall see each other again, not sure on what continent, but we shall meet up soon. Hugs and much love my friend xx