Who's that lady? Who's that lady? Beautiful lady, who's that lady? Lovely lady, who's that lady? Real fine lady, who's that lady? (Who' That Lady? - The Isley Brothers
I think one of the biggest insults I have ever had is when someone called me 'a normal lady'. My father used to call me Duchess and said that I could always be a lady until I opened my mouth! As for normal? What is normal? Whatever it is I am certainly not it as I do not confirm to social norms. So there you have it! Never ever call me a lady and especially a normal lady. As always, enjoy.
Tuesday: So today I am off again. Bags packed, money in pocket and it is time to fly Pippin. Today I am off to Vienna ........... yes it means nothing to me! The good thing about living in London is (amongst other things) that you can get cheap flights to much of Europe. Today was no exception as I made my way to Gatwick Airport to catch a flight to Vienna. I don't know how I ended choosing Vienna, I think because a. I have never been there and b. it was cheap and c. and I liked the song by Ultravox. The flight was good and I arrived safe and sound and then it went down hill fast. I caught the bus to one of the main stations and then to the underground. No maps on the underground and it was very difficult to negotiate it. I had to What's App Andy to send me a map of the underground for me to figure it out. I was exhausted and it did not help when I got into a lift, a very small lift, a rather dodgy looking bloke got in behind me. He appeared from nowhere. I gave him a look that would kill. I finally, with the help from a lovely elderly woman who spoke no German, my Airbnb. The host was lovely and so was the apartment where I was staying. I was so pleased to get to my bed. But tonight was different, it was the US elections. I am not even going there with that one. Needless to say, I was awake most of the night watching it. Words fail me. Totally fail me. I remember talking to the American last year about this and he said that he was a joke and it would not happen. This summer he said he was ashamed to be American; and now look. Words totally fail me. Wednesday: Wonderful breakfast and off and out for a day of culture. Europe is now expensive so thank you to all of you who voted for Brexit. My first stop was to the Albertina. This was a wonderful building, full of art, contemporary art and the most beautiful state rooms. I walked around the room, admiring the wooden floor (as I do) and felt the urge to waltz around the room. I didn't. The art was wonderful. I love walking around galleries and this one was not exception. The main reason for going was to see some Van Gough. I love this artist, I really do. The pain he went through in his life was horrific. I love this art. So after this I went to the Belvedere to see more art. This time Klimt. You will all know this artist and there was his famous painting The Kiss. I sat there for ages just looking at. I want some man one day to kiss me like that. Am I asking too much? Time for cake and coffee and more walking around and eventually made my way to Prater, to the big wheel. A couple of people told me to go on this as it is a famous landmark. It was a big wheel with magnificent views across the city. OK it is not the London Eye but it was OK. By now I was exhausted. I had been up most of the night watching the US elections and walked 12 miles around Vienna so I made my way back to my accommodation. Thursday: I am not feeling the love for Vienna. I do not know why. I think the US election has had a detrimental affect on my mood. There is a lot of begging going on; in your face begging, intrusive begging. I do not feel comfortable with this. I am a generous person but you cannot help everyone. Due to the fact that the arse has fallen out of the Euro, everything is expensive. Today I took a tram ride around the city, which was quite good actually as it gave me a view of Vienna that I would not have seen. There are some beautiful buildings there and I just loved the Opera House. I wanted to see something there but it was so expensive with tickets starting at E80s I cannot justify spending that. So I went to the Sacher Hotel to have Sacher Torte and coffee whilst looking at the Opera House. It was a moment. By now I could have got on a flight and gone home, but I could not. The one good thing about travelling is you learn so much about yourself and this trip has not been any different. I am tired of doing everything on my own. No one to share moments with or to talk to about things I am seeing. I am tired of it and have decided that I will not be going on any more mini adventures, I am not enjoying them as much as I used to. I will travel, but not these little trips. Vienna is expensive and I could have just stayed in London and took in some free museums and galleries. I live in one of the most wonderful, diverse cities in the world. This will do. Friday: Up and off to the airport and a smooth journey home. I was so tired. I have not slept well and was so pleased to see my bed. Caught up with Andy and we had a good chat about events and we are both concerned about the world's events. We are living in scary times. Curry ordered and football on and peace has been restored. I slept well. Vienna ...... it still means nothing to me!
Well it's a pity you don't enjoy these little trips so much, but travelling alone isn't for everyone I think. There are tours that cater for people travelling alone, things like urban adventures (there are others it's just late and my mind is a little blank (er)). Or there are internet forums to meet other people to travel with. Or couch surfing can be used just to meet a local for coffee or something. I suppose it depends what kind of person you are. But like you say, these are indeed strange days. xx
Hello Sarah. Do I look like a woman who would enjoy going on a tour with other people!! I would kill them. It would be a remake of Death on the Orient Express. I will go where travellers go, out in the wilds of the world. Hugs and love xxx
Vienna is expensive and is a bit old fashioned in a Habsburg sort of way. Next stop NZ?
ReplyDeleteHi Ian No. I have no plans to go anywhere for a long while.
ReplyDeleteWell it's a pity you don't enjoy these little trips so much, but travelling alone isn't for everyone I think. There are tours that cater for people travelling alone, things like urban adventures (there are others it's just late and my mind is a little blank (er)). Or there are internet forums to meet other people to travel with. Or couch surfing can be used just to meet a local for coffee or something. I suppose it depends what kind of person you are. But like you say, these are indeed strange days.
Hello Sarah. Do I look like a woman who would enjoy going on a tour with other people!! I would kill them. It would be a remake of Death on the Orient Express. I will go where travellers go, out in the wilds of the world. Hugs and love xxx