Monday 15 August 2016

Time can't afford no time. Can't afford the rhyme. Nevermind, someday maybe boy meets girl (Favourite Shirts (Boy meets Girl) - Haircut 100)

You have to love the lyrics to these songs.  Basic but brilliant and just listen to those guitars and look at those jumpers.  But for me it is all about the saxophone.  It's always about the saxophone.  Fantastic.  As always, enjoy.

Saturday:  Andy and I are feeling like Mummy and Daddy ....... from hell.  He keeps swearing and almost died when poor old Larni left the light on in the kitchen.  Talk about stereotypical gendered roles. It is so funny.  We went out and went up to Camden Market.  Now don't get me wrong, Camden is OK once, in your lifetime.  However, most people want to visit it when they are here and it is just tourist city.  Camden used to be a cool place back in the early 80's. I know this because I used to go. Now, however, it is just full on.  Don't get me wrong parts of it are still OK but I would not chose to visit this village.  

We then went to Covent Garden to pickup our tickets to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.  Larni did not know she was going.  It was my treat. However, what I failed to think about was the fact that it was the matinee performance and it was full of bloody kids.  Now, I do not mind children but I do mind when they are insistent on talking all the way through the performance with parents not even telling them to be quiet but actually joining in on the conversation.  I thought at one point Andy was going to have a stroke. Me, being a 'parent' had the ability to blank it out.  However, the show was totally amazing.  I loved it. It was so, so good.  New songs; same story but oh so magical.  Then at the end, the very last song, the curve ball that I never saw coming ......Pure Imagination, the song from the film.  That was it. I had 'struggled' but managed to watch the show with the thought running through my head that Meg would love this.  She loved the film and Roald Dahl was her favourite: Matilda, The Twits, BFG, The Witches and Charlie, we used to watch the lot. Snuggled up on the sofa.  So when they sang this song that was it.  I cried.  I miss her so much.  I think it was these lyrics that hit me:  

If you want to view paradise
Simply look around and view it
Anything you want to, do it
Want to change the world?
There's nothing to it

There is no

Life I know

To compare with pure imagination
Living there
You'll be free
If you truly wish to be

If you want to see magic lands
Close your eyes and you will see one
Want to be a dreamer, be one
Anytime you please and please save me one

Such a good show and I would love to go and see it again, so if anyone is coming to London and wants to see it, give me a shout.  So here is the video of the song for those of you who do not know what I am going on about.

Meltdown over, we walked up to Soho and grabbed something to eat in a rather nice Italian restaurant.  Then we walked down to Trafalgar Square, down Whitehall, past Big Ben, over Westminster Bridge, past the London Eye and down onto the Southbank. The place is crawling with tourists.  We walked down to the Tate Modern and Andy and I needed a drink and then we realised that Mummy and Daddy cannot just sneak off the pub with a minor in toe!  Single life my friends, single life.  We found a bar and sat outside and Larni had a diet coke and Andy and I had gin! We walked home and back to the flat.

Our neighbours downstairs were having a party and had actually put a note through our door this time to tell us this (they do not normally) so it was rather noisy but they went out at 23:00 to party on and I went to bed.  Today I walked 23,000 steps - 9.5 miles.  I was tired.

Sunday:  Up and went back to bed with a cup of tea and my breakfast.  It was Sunday!  Larni and I went out and made our way up to Spitalfields and grabbed some street food and then walked up Brick Lane and up to Shoreditch High Street and stopped for coffee at Old Street at Shoreditch Grind - such good coffee. I really love it this end of town as there is always so much going on. You can feel the energy.

It was soon time to make our way up to Euston and we stopped off at the British Library's garden.  I have never been here before and I will have to go back and take a good look.  However, two photos from here.  One is of Newton which I thought was a rather cool statue; the other shoes St Pancreas Hotel peeping out over the British Library building.  We made our way up to the station and waited for the train to come in.  It still feels so strange being at Euston.  I can remember waiting there for JF to arrive from Stoke and then me leaving there to go to Stoke. Now, I cannot wait to leave the place.  I am always fearful that I will bump into someone there.  Sad but true.

Back to my little flat and my little life.  Andy and I have decided that we do not want children; obviously not together!  Young people are OK but small children do not suit our lifestyle anymore.  It is funny as I really do not recognise myself some days.  Funny old thing life.

As always, enjoy x


  1. Yeah Camden always makes me feel really sad; it used to be such a cool place and now it's a tourist trap full of Japanese tourists taking their selfies outside every stall.
    Don;'t think I've ever been to the British museum either; that's the thing in Russell Square isn't it? Not somewhere I go really. I like the photos though.
    No I don't like going places full of kids either. The parents never take care of them, they're always off gossiping with other grownups and the kids are left to run amok.
    Have a good week.

  2. Hi Sarah. You are right, Camden in the early 80's was great - I used to go to Dingwalls, now it is vile. The Newton statue is at the British Library by Kings Cross not the British Museum. It has been an interesting week so far. Hope all is well with you. Hugs and stuff xx

  3. Camden is OK but where you go in London now without tourists? :-(

  4. Hi Ian ..... London is full of tourists at the moment, wandering around, map in hand, standing at the end of escalators on the tube then smacking you in the face with their rucksacks ...... joy oh joy x
