Sunday 17 January 2016

I want to run. I want to hide. I want to tear down the walls that hold me inside (Where the Streets Have No Name - U2)

This was one of my Meg's favourite U2 tracks because of how it is composed. She did try to explain it to me once; I never understood and once again, this track comes from their album the Joshua Tree.  The stories goes that the band wrote the song as it relates to how in Belfast (and other cities) you can identify someone's income and religion by the street on which they live.  I can identify with that.  Take a look at a Monopoly Board in any country where you live and it is just the same.  Yet in other countries, and I have been to some of them, the streets, don't have any names because there is no division. Well that aside, I think it is good song with once again lyrics that I can relate to throughout my life.  So here it is. Enjoy!

Saturday: I woke in the night to go to the bathroom and thought, as you do, 'what am I taking to work for lunch tomorrow?' then realised it was Saturday! I cannot tell you how much joy I felt at that point.  Standing in the bathroom at 3:33 (of course it was) knowing that there was no work tomorrow.  Back to bed and I finally woke up at 9:25. Remained in bed all morning, snug and cosy sorting out numerous pieces of paperwork and 'stuff'.  At 13:15 I decided to get up, showered and get some food.  Time to go out!  But I had a productive morning.

I had to go to Marks and Spencer at Marble Arch today to get something. This will come apparent at the end of the month.  It was heaving.  When will people realise that they cannot walk six abreast along Oxford Street! So annoying.  I have to admit I am a typical Londoner now, with little patience.  Errand done I decided to look in a few other shops but did not buy a thing.
New bottle bank at Trafalgar Square

I wanted to go out to take in the Lumiere London exhibition.  It is a light festival organised by the Mayor of London and it has been running from Thursday evening up to Sunday evening.  The installations are on display all over London. So today I decided to take a few of them in.  I did have to giggle to myself as the display in Piccadilly, which ironically was my favourite, looked like giant flying sperm with wings (I have included a few photos at the end of the blog). Parents were telling their children 'look up there' and I waned to add' at the flying sperm'.  But all that childish behaviour aside, this was my favourite as the flying sperm swayed in a ghostly way high up in the sky.

Whilst I was in Piccadilly I also stumbled across a great shop called Carpo. What a great find this was.  This shop sells coffee, dried fruits, nuts, berries and chocolate.  You can ask to taste anything you are thinking of buying and considering the store is slap bang in one of the most expensive retail rents in London, it was really reasonable.  I treated myself to some cashew nuts, dried roasted chick peas and sunflower seeds.  I will be returning here soon.  

The only problem with my little jaunt up West was I think the rest of the world had decided to do the same. Also, as some of you may recall I had an 'accident' back in the Summer when I fell off the bed and hurt both of my feet and ankles. At the time I was absolutely amazed that I did not break something, but I am now beginning to think I did.  My right foot is agonisingly painful at the moment.  Eventually, I hobbled around parts of London taking in some of the displays but I have to be honest, I soon had enough.  It was cold, extremely busy and my foot ached. But it was good to be out and about.  However, this does leave me with a problem. Come the end of the month, this will become clear.  I will have to try to figure something out to take ache and pain out of this bloody foot.  I have added some more photos from Lumiere at the end of the blog.

Sunday:  I awoke at 6.30 am.  There is something rather criminal about being awake at that time on a Sunday morning.   I awoke to the news that it had been snowing overnight in London.  Needless to say, there was no evidence of this fact when I looked outside of my bedroom window.  But as soon as I opened the front door the cold hit me!  I asked my phone (yes good old Siri) and he said 'Brrrrr it is 2 degress'.  There really is something wrong when even your phone thinks it is cold out.

Today I took my usual bus up to Hoxton for my mediation group.  I just love the Trew Era Cafe for so many reasons and feel so lucky to have found it.  I have not been since just after Christmas.  Everyone was pleased to see me and it was so good to catch up with people.  There are two lovely women who come along each week:  They are sisters, Emma and Hannah.  They are so talented and creative. Hannah, who you can find on Twitter at:

Is an artist who makes the most fantastic pop-up cards and is a paper engineer. Today she gave me a New Year card. OMG! I was totally, totally, blown away by it.  I said to her that I cannot even cut my toe nails, let alone paper. Hannah also wrote some lovely words on the card, which did make me cry.  I know she read this madness each week so thank you so, so much Hannah. You are so talented.

Emma is also an artist and she creates hand marbled designs.  Just think about that for a moment. How cool is that! You can find her on Twitter at:

I had a sneaky look at Emma's web page and her work is stunning.  Emma not only cannot I not cut my nails, I cannot paint them either.  I am always in awe of people of people who are arty and creative. I wish I had tried harder in my youth but that aside, I still feel inspired by their work. Please take time out to have a look their work.  They really are two talented and beautiful women and I am so fortunate to have them in my new life.  Thank you girls.

Food shopping done so a lazy afternoon, catching up on 'stuff' and watching Harry Potter as you do aged 29.  So another week looms ................. I am saying no more on that subject but as promised, here are some more photos from Lumiere London ............ enjoy!

As always, with my love x

I really liked this one, they just floated - Casper the friendly ghost lol!

Winged sperm! 

Carnaby Street


  1. Yeah it does look like floating sperm. I saw some of this on youtube; made me feel quite homesick. Until I remembered the 2 degrees.
    Have a good week. Keep planning the next great adventure.

  2. Hi Sarah! Yes an adventure of sorts is coming soon, but alas no sunshine. I have just checked on my phone and it is minus, yes minus one and it is only 22:00. Now that must have made you smile. Hugs xxx
