Thursday 28 January 2016

If there is a light you can always see. And there is a world, we can always be. If there is a dark, within and without, and there is a light don't let it go out (Song for Someone - U2)

I make no apologises for using all U2 songs this month.  These four guys have been in my life since 1982 when I saw them at the Hammersmith Odeon.  Such a small venue.  I have followed their career, seen them not as many times as I would have liked and just adore their music, if not their approach to politics at times.  I have everyone of their albums and one of my fondest memories was to be able to see them in their home town of Dublin.  Now that was a gig.  These blokes have been the only consistent men in my life; sad but true.  So be prepared this year for some other U2 lyrics.  But in the meantime; enjoy!

Monday:  What can I say? Words fail me.  I shall console myself with the fact that I have many long departed friends who would like to see a Monday morning.  9-5 come and went and soon it was time to get home. I was determined that the 9-5 would affect my mood for my new love again for a Monday morning.  Andy is not well, he has a cold.  I am surrounded by sick people, people with colds.  I do not want or need a cold.  We had things to do tonight (this will come apparent by the end of the week).  I sometimes amaze myself as an older bird.  I was downloading and updating apps on my phone, so that I am prepared.  A busy, but productive night.  All will come clear.

Tuesday:  Restless night's sleep.  I know why, it is the time of year.  This is why I normally go travelling. It does not stop the pain; it just puts a different slant on things.  There is a quote that goes something like this 'no one knows how much I love you, because you are the only one who has heard my heartbeat from the inside'.  I know, in my heart, that my daughter is so much me.  She would probably hate that, but it is fact.  It is with this knowledge I console myself.  This time and date will pass and I shall console myself at the end of the week.

Tonight it is Aquafit night!  Different swimming costume this week!   Oh dear. This costume was not good.  The girls were popping out, which was not a good look as we had a bloke in the class!!! I thought, whilst I was doing my thing, that my boobs need to bounded like the feet of the children in The Inn of the Sixth Happiness.  For those of you who haven't a clue what I am going on about, the Inn of The Sixth Happiness is a 1958 film staring Ingrid Bergman as Gladys Aylward who was a missionary in China.  I remember seeing this film as a child and one of the first things dear old naive Gladys sees in China is young girls having their feet bound in bandages to make them smaller.  It is funny how things stick in your head.  Hence the thought tonight about bounding my boobs to keep them in place! 

I did have to stop myself from giggling again tonight as I was chatting to a woman about diet and weight and she said 'well darling I never got like this by eating a fucking lettuce did I?'  It still seems funny for me to hear a good old south east London accent.  They are so elegant with the language.  Aquafit done and I walked home looking like Alice Cooper as both weeks now I have forgotten to take my make up off. Note to self:  swimming costume on, boobs bound and make up off!

Wednesday: 9.00-5.00 done and dusted and it was back home as I had some important paperwork to complete before Friday.  Fortunately, it did not take as long as I had anticipated which means I had a bit of the evening to myself.  I had to do some washing tonight, again for Friday.  Not much happened today to be honest, but it is all good as it will soon be Friday.

Thursday:  One day more!  No I am auditioning for a role in Les Mis, but this
week I really cannot wait for Friday. It was a beautiful blue skied morning in London and you can really tell that Spring is on her way.  9.00 to 5.00 finally, thank goodness, done and dusted!  I am free .......... well for a few days at least.

Busy night tonight .......... packing my suitcase and getting ready for my trip.  Tomorrow I fly.  I will not spoil the surprise by telling you where I am going.  You will have to wait. However, I will give you a clue and of course I will be blogging my trip!

So a shorter post this week, but a four day weekend blog to cover my trip. So all that remains to be said is 'we can be heroes, just for one day' .... well four days actually.  But there is your clue!

As always, with my love x

1 comment:

  1. Have a great weekend. Make sure to check out the graffiti. And the sunday flea market. And get your picture taken in one of the old photo booths.
