Friday: What is it with me and 3:33? That is the time that I woke up! Made a cup of tea then jumped in the shower. It was time to fly. Fortunately, we are not far from the tube but I remembered that not many of the tube stations in London have lifts and there was me with my suitcase! We went out to Zone 6 to London Heathrow, Terminal 5; I love it. This is the home of British Airways. First stop, to get rid of my case. Things have come a long way in travel world. No more paper boarding cards; everything was on my iPhone. How cool is that! Through security checks and into the shop to buy new lipstick and perfume! I always do, can't stop myself. We grabbed a coffee and sat and waited for our flight to be called. I look at the departure board and think to myself that there are so many countries to see, why oh why am I sitting behind a desk every day, doing something I really do not enjoy!
I have always said it, and make no apology for it, many British citizens should not leave the UK, they do not travel well. Today was no exception. I have noticed that more and more people are taking plenty of luggage these days onto the plane, this results in there not being enough room in the baggage area above your seat. We got to our seats and I sat by the window as Andy does not care for the taking off. People were fussing around, trying to get their 'stuff' into the overhead storage. I felt quite sorry for the cabin crew to be honest. We eventually took off then it all happened. Sitting next to Andy was a lookie likie for Hanssen in Holby City. This made us giggle then I noticed .......... One of the flight staff looked just like and I mean really, really like Bart the American. You may recall him back in the summer. I could not stop staring and it did make me feel kinda sad. His mannerisms, looks were so alike. OK the steward looked smarter but it kind of freaked me out if I am to be honest.
No sooner were we up then we were down. Off the plane, then straight to passport control and our cases were there. We come through the door, found the bus, purchased our ticket and within 40 minutes of landing we were in our hotel. It is beautiful. I am really impressed with it. Clean and modern and that sums up Germany really. Everything runs like clockwork. We unpacked and had a drink then went to explore. The hotel has a spa so we thought we would take a look. It was lovely, then the woman, whose English was impeccable told us that we can use the two saunas and steam room but that we had to be naked! Totally, naked! Outwardly my face was smiling; inwardly I was dying! We had brought our costumes to wear and the thought of us two, sitting naked, together in a sauna was just too much to think about lol. I think we may, unfortunately give it a rest.
The tram stop is right outside of our hotel, so we used our daily ticket that cost 7E (£5.32) and made our was to Alexanderplatz which is one of the main
squares. This is where the Fernsehturm Tower is. Apparently, this was the only thing you could see from West Berlin as you looked over to the East. We had a look around and found a really beautiful, old part of the city. We had some
lunch. Andy got what he didn't order but ate it anyway. I got what I didn't order and didn't eat it, but with the German efficiency it was soon changed and I had a lovely meal of salmon and pasta. We found a shop that sold everything about angels. I have two china angels hanging from my bedroom shade; I now have a third one. A large fairy. I said to the woman in the shop, whose English was as good as my German, that she was me and she was saying no, no you are not that big. Bless.
We spent the afternoon just wandering around and getting used to the feel of the City. But we were so tired, it had been an early start (well for me at least) and a long day. We took some food back to our hotel room and had a relatively early night.
Saturday: Breakfast was very impressive in our Hotel. The selection was so good. You could have the traditional bacon and eggs but I have never seen so many sausages in my life. As for Andy, who I swear tried everyone of them at least once, I don't think he has had so many sausages in his life! (You can make out from that whatever you want). Thank goodness I am vegetarian me thinks. I had scrambled eggs and selection of bread. The Germans appear to like their bread. It was beautiful and such a good selection. I did notice too that there were two little Jack Russells in the Restaurant. Just sitting under the table with their family. Dogs are welcome in most hotels and obviously restaurants, in Germany. How cool is that.
Once thing I did notice was people actually speak to each other here in Germany. In the lift, people would get in and join us and say good morning to us (in German). Can you imagine that in London; people talking to each other? We left the hotel and caught the tram across the road. There are no Oyster Cards here. There are no barriers. You get on the tram and you buy a ticket from a machine. The trust is put on you to purchase a ticket. Again, can you imagine that in London! Today the machine on the tram was not working. We felt so bad, taking the ride without paying. No one said a thing. We got off the tram and went to the train station and then purchased our ticket. You do not have to show a ticket to the bus driver and there is no checks as and when you enter or leave a station to see if you have a ticket.
The first place we went today was somewhere I wanted to visit. It was the DDR (Deutschland Democratic Republic or the old East Germany) museum. Entrance was 7E and the museum is dedicated to life living under the old regime. It is strange as I remember this; whilst Andy is too young to remember. The museum had displays of how people lived under communism. How they smuggled Levi jeans in to be like the people in the west, along with music that was seen as not acceptable. This was music from the Beatles and the Rolling Stones. I think what people fail to remember is that the wall was built to contain West Berlin rather than to separate the East from the West. Berlin was a city in the middle of East Germany. West Berliners could only fly in and out of the city. Crazy!
We then went to Museum Island. This part of Berlin is an UNESCO site and home to five museums. Unlike here in London, you have to pay, but it was only 18E for the day. To be honest, it was a lot culture to take in, even for me. I did not enjoy the Art Gallery one little bit, it was very dark and some of the paintings were a tad disturbing. I could not help thinking that the writing was literally on the wall about forecasting some of Germany's history. One of the photos
(and I did not take a photo of it, sorry guys) looked like Freddie Mercury dressed as a ballerina. I know. The museums were interesting but today it was so cold and raining and that is why we decided to do the museums today.
When you visit a museum in Berlin, you have to take your coat off. You do not have a choice. You are directed to the cloakroom and you leave your coat and bag there. Well I did not like that. I had no glasses, no money and put my phone in my pocket. This was great until I went to the toilet and my brand new iPhone fell down the toilet! I was not impressed to say the least. Fortunately, my phone was OK but after that I just left it in my bag, along with my coat in the cloakroom.
All museumed out we decided to get some food before returning to the Hotel. It is not much fun being a vegetarian in Berlin. I had the choice of two things on the menu tonight. I had the vegetable fajitas, which were very tasty but there was not even a fish dish on the menu. Fall, cold and wet, we returned to the Hotel and called back into the spa to hear the rules once again as Andy thought I had heard wrong ....... I knew that I had not.
The guy was lovely. He explained to us that in Germany people do not wear a thing in the sauna ..... well just a smile. Andy explained that we, that is me, is very English and this is strange to us. We went back to the room. Sat and giggled then got naked. The guy assured me the towels were big. They were not. I went into the changing room and there were two women in there. Me being me, fannied around a bit and wrapped two towels around me and tip toed out into the arena. I was immediately confronted with a bloke's naked arse. We were told that you could keep a towel around you if you wanted and this is what we did .......... for a while. We decided we wanted to go in the jacuzzi so Andy got in first; I looked away. Then he looked away and I walked across the path and got into the jacuzzi. We giggled. My boobs kept floating up to the surface and I had to keep pushing them back down and Andy was hitting the restart button to the jacuzzi within a nano second of it stopping.
After about 15 minutes of this I thought sod it. I am going to own this and I did. I was naked in the two saunas and in the steam room. It was great, I loved it. So liberating. At one point I was in one of the saunas and Andy come in so I covered up the girls with my arms and turned away so I did not look at him but then had my face staring at some guys hairy arse. I did try not laugh, but it was funny. Who would have thought I would been totally naked with anonymous men in a sauna in Germany.
In hindsight, this was the best thing to do. OK we were in Berlin on a Saturday night, but we had walked 9.5 miles that day, it was wet and by now outside there was a storm brewing. We did not feel like going out and let's face it, after sitting totally naked together in the jacuzzi, there really was no point. It was a great evening, plenty of laughter and good fun.
Sunday: The downside of a city break is ..... you don't get a break! Alarm went off and it was down to a 1001 sausage (well for some) breakfast. We took our time and grazed for a bit. We had already decided what we were going to do today. I knew today would bring it's own challenges for me. Today is Meg's 22 birthday. It does not get any easier. I feel like time is like sand, running
through my fingertips. Four birthdays now I have missed. Such a waste, so much pain. I needed to be on my own today and Andy, love him, knew this. Had a meltdown in the shower then had a word with myself, dressed and I was out. On my own. I made my way to Alexanderplatz and joined a tour. It was a pay as much as you feel tour. It was great. This tour was to take me to see street art and urban culture. My kind of thing. I got talking to a couple from Brixton, as you do, but I was quite happy on my own. We saw some wonderful pieces of work; amazing stuff.
We then got on a train to the East Side and there was the wall. I find it so hard to comprehend how this happened. This wall, penning people in - or out whatever way you look at it. The guide, who was called Alexandria, was lovely. She was Australian and knew her stuff. She was saying that like here in London there is an urban uprising against gentrification. Huge companies are buying up the land, especially on the east side where the wall once was and building ........ yes you guessed it, expensive apartments. Different city; same problems.
The wall still looked chilling. We went to a suburb of Berlin called Kreuzberg. Oh I liked it here. It is like Dalson/Hoxton for those of you who know London.
It has always been the home of creative 'types'. There was so much art work here to look at and take photos of. I will not bore you to death with all the photos I took, but have included some of them at the end of this blog. Amazing art. I liked it here; I liked Berlin. I guess it was the day and the mood I was in, but some days I just want to run away. Pack a few things and go on some crazy adventure, picking up work wherever I end up, meeting people. Alexandria (the guide) thought I had great energy and was a cool person - nope, never heard anyone call me that before.
By now, I was the other end of the city and had to make my way back to meet Andy at the Brandenburg Gate. Thank goodness for City Mapper. I was so on it. Off one train, onto another. The Berlin transport system runs so well. I love it. Off at Postdamer Platz and I walked up past the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe ..... but more about this later. I met up with Andy and we went for a warm drink. Then back to the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe. This structure consists of 2711 concrete slabs in a grid pattern that slopes up and down. The slabs are of all different sizes and the architect wanted to give people walking through the structure to see the organisation of the Nazi government in that the slabs were in order; contrasting with the different sizes which gave the impression of confusion. It was very moving.
From there we walked up to Checkpoint Charlie and had our photos taken in a photo booth. So funny. Four black and white photos of us looking dazed and confused. They are now on our fridge - pride of place. From Checkpoint Charlie we walked to a place called Topography of Terrors. This new building has been created on the old area that homed the offices of the Gestapo and SS. Chilling. What I liked about the Germans was the fact that they do not hide their head in shame of what happened; they appear open and honest and whilst not celebrating it (obviously) they do not hide the fact either. I liked this place, it was fascinating and interesting. I sad on part of a guided tour and they guy, whose English was brilliant, was so interesting. A sad, awful time in German history. But if any of you go to Berlin, visit this place, a time for reflection.
We returned to Postdamer Platz to the Sony Centre for dinner. Once again the food was good (even though still not much vegetarian to choose from) and we had a beer, which was lovely. Back on the bus and to the hotel and time to get naked again! I had a towel around me and the first thing, again, I was greeted with was a guy's arse lol. So funny. I was in the jacuzzi and wanted to get out but then thought what would happen if I was walking to get my towel and Andy turned up! I stayed ages in that bloody jacuzzi, turning all wrinkly before I thought, enough and got out. All jokes aside, a sauna after a busy day walking was a great end to the day.
Happy Birthday Megan, wherever you are. I love you to the moon and back. I also learnt about some other people today as well! You live and learn.
Monday: Our last day in this wonderful City. We packed and went for breakfast and left our bags at the hotel and back on the tram. It was raining again today. It was one of those damp, dank days where you get drenched. We were off to the Reichstag, the seat of German's parliament. We had to organise this prior to our visit, but we both thought it was strange that neither of us have been to the Houses of Parliament here in the UK; but managed to get to see Germany's government building.
This building was stunning. The glass done was designed in 1992 by Norman Foster a UK architect. I thought it was quite ironic that this glass done was created by a Brit not a German considering they have a great eye for design. However, I was not disappointed. This building is wonderful. You are given headphones to wear that tell you the story of the building and then point out places of interest across the city as you walk up the slope to the top. I really liked this building. It was light and airy and such a great design. Once again, if you get to go to Berlin, register to see this building. It is well worth the look.
By now we were cold, wet and tired. We made our way back to Alexanderplatz for coffee and cake and to keep dry and warm. Andy had not had the local delicacy of Curry Wurst. Which is basically a sausage, there is a surprise with a tomato/curry sauce. You see people selling them on the streets for about 1.5E. We went to a kiosk and had one there. I had chips lol. Back on the tram and to the hotel to collect our cases and made our way to the Airport.
Tegel Airport is very small. We checked in our bags and sat and waited. Our flight was delayed. I hate this when it happens; there is nothing you can do but wait. Our flight home was long. We had to circle over Essex three times. This happens a great deal in London because of the number of planes trying to land. Round and round we went for around 30 minutes. But boy we were in for a treat. The pilot followed the river. We saw Stratford and the stadium, the O2 (Dome), Canary Wharf, the London Eye, Picaddilly Circus and over The Shard. It was so beautiful to see. I love London and this was a treat.
The tube journey home however, was not such a treat. It seemed to take ages and ages and ages ............................ eventually home. Andy love him, carried the cases upstairs and I went and got us some chips. We ate and then straight to sleep. It had been a long day but we had such a great time.
I liked Germany and would love to see some more of it. The people are quite conservative. We noticed that they would not cross the road until the little man had turned green. No one moved, until it changed. They were polite and all seemed to speak English, even the women in Primark when I went in there for some hair slides. I apologised for the fact that I could not speak German and said that my name was Karen in German and that was that. It is clean, it runs well but it was cold ....... I guess you can't have it all. But in the immortal words of another (and yes I know he is not German) ....... I will be back.
lunch. Andy got what he didn't order but ate it anyway. I got what I didn't order and didn't eat it, but with the German efficiency it was soon changed and I had a lovely meal of salmon and pasta. We found a shop that sold everything about angels. I have two china angels hanging from my bedroom shade; I now have a third one. A large fairy. I said to the woman in the shop, whose English was as good as my German, that she was me and she was saying no, no you are not that big. Bless.
We spent the afternoon just wandering around and getting used to the feel of the City. But we were so tired, it had been an early start (well for me at least) and a long day. We took some food back to our hotel room and had a relatively early night.
Saturday: Breakfast was very impressive in our Hotel. The selection was so good. You could have the traditional bacon and eggs but I have never seen so many sausages in my life. As for Andy, who I swear tried everyone of them at least once, I don't think he has had so many sausages in his life! (You can make out from that whatever you want). Thank goodness I am vegetarian me thinks. I had scrambled eggs and selection of bread. The Germans appear to like their bread. It was beautiful and such a good selection. I did notice too that there were two little Jack Russells in the Restaurant. Just sitting under the table with their family. Dogs are welcome in most hotels and obviously restaurants, in Germany. How cool is that.
Once thing I did notice was people actually speak to each other here in Germany. In the lift, people would get in and join us and say good morning to us (in German). Can you imagine that in London; people talking to each other? We left the hotel and caught the tram across the road. There are no Oyster Cards here. There are no barriers. You get on the tram and you buy a ticket from a machine. The trust is put on you to purchase a ticket. Again, can you imagine that in London! Today the machine on the tram was not working. We felt so bad, taking the ride without paying. No one said a thing. We got off the tram and went to the train station and then purchased our ticket. You do not have to show a ticket to the bus driver and there is no checks as and when you enter or leave a station to see if you have a ticket.
The first place we went today was somewhere I wanted to visit. It was the DDR (Deutschland Democratic Republic or the old East Germany) museum. Entrance was 7E and the museum is dedicated to life living under the old regime. It is strange as I remember this; whilst Andy is too young to remember. The museum had displays of how people lived under communism. How they smuggled Levi jeans in to be like the people in the west, along with music that was seen as not acceptable. This was music from the Beatles and the Rolling Stones. I think what people fail to remember is that the wall was built to contain West Berlin rather than to separate the East from the West. Berlin was a city in the middle of East Germany. West Berliners could only fly in and out of the city. Crazy!
We then went to Museum Island. This part of Berlin is an UNESCO site and home to five museums. Unlike here in London, you have to pay, but it was only 18E for the day. To be honest, it was a lot culture to take in, even for me. I did not enjoy the Art Gallery one little bit, it was very dark and some of the paintings were a tad disturbing. I could not help thinking that the writing was literally on the wall about forecasting some of Germany's history. One of the photos
When you visit a museum in Berlin, you have to take your coat off. You do not have a choice. You are directed to the cloakroom and you leave your coat and bag there. Well I did not like that. I had no glasses, no money and put my phone in my pocket. This was great until I went to the toilet and my brand new iPhone fell down the toilet! I was not impressed to say the least. Fortunately, my phone was OK but after that I just left it in my bag, along with my coat in the cloakroom.
All museumed out we decided to get some food before returning to the Hotel. It is not much fun being a vegetarian in Berlin. I had the choice of two things on the menu tonight. I had the vegetable fajitas, which were very tasty but there was not even a fish dish on the menu. Fall, cold and wet, we returned to the Hotel and called back into the spa to hear the rules once again as Andy thought I had heard wrong ....... I knew that I had not.
The guy was lovely. He explained to us that in Germany people do not wear a thing in the sauna ..... well just a smile. Andy explained that we, that is me, is very English and this is strange to us. We went back to the room. Sat and giggled then got naked. The guy assured me the towels were big. They were not. I went into the changing room and there were two women in there. Me being me, fannied around a bit and wrapped two towels around me and tip toed out into the arena. I was immediately confronted with a bloke's naked arse. We were told that you could keep a towel around you if you wanted and this is what we did .......... for a while. We decided we wanted to go in the jacuzzi so Andy got in first; I looked away. Then he looked away and I walked across the path and got into the jacuzzi. We giggled. My boobs kept floating up to the surface and I had to keep pushing them back down and Andy was hitting the restart button to the jacuzzi within a nano second of it stopping.
After about 15 minutes of this I thought sod it. I am going to own this and I did. I was naked in the two saunas and in the steam room. It was great, I loved it. So liberating. At one point I was in one of the saunas and Andy come in so I covered up the girls with my arms and turned away so I did not look at him but then had my face staring at some guys hairy arse. I did try not laugh, but it was funny. Who would have thought I would been totally naked with anonymous men in a sauna in Germany.
In hindsight, this was the best thing to do. OK we were in Berlin on a Saturday night, but we had walked 9.5 miles that day, it was wet and by now outside there was a storm brewing. We did not feel like going out and let's face it, after sitting totally naked together in the jacuzzi, there really was no point. It was a great evening, plenty of laughter and good fun.
Sunday: The downside of a city break is ..... you don't get a break! Alarm went off and it was down to a 1001 sausage (well for some) breakfast. We took our time and grazed for a bit. We had already decided what we were going to do today. I knew today would bring it's own challenges for me. Today is Meg's 22 birthday. It does not get any easier. I feel like time is like sand, running
through my fingertips. Four birthdays now I have missed. Such a waste, so much pain. I needed to be on my own today and Andy, love him, knew this. Had a meltdown in the shower then had a word with myself, dressed and I was out. On my own. I made my way to Alexanderplatz and joined a tour. It was a pay as much as you feel tour. It was great. This tour was to take me to see street art and urban culture. My kind of thing. I got talking to a couple from Brixton, as you do, but I was quite happy on my own. We saw some wonderful pieces of work; amazing stuff.
We then got on a train to the East Side and there was the wall. I find it so hard to comprehend how this happened. This wall, penning people in - or out whatever way you look at it. The guide, who was called Alexandria, was lovely. She was Australian and knew her stuff. She was saying that like here in London there is an urban uprising against gentrification. Huge companies are buying up the land, especially on the east side where the wall once was and building ........ yes you guessed it, expensive apartments. Different city; same problems.
The wall still looked chilling. We went to a suburb of Berlin called Kreuzberg. Oh I liked it here. It is like Dalson/Hoxton for those of you who know London.
It has always been the home of creative 'types'. There was so much art work here to look at and take photos of. I will not bore you to death with all the photos I took, but have included some of them at the end of this blog. Amazing art. I liked it here; I liked Berlin. I guess it was the day and the mood I was in, but some days I just want to run away. Pack a few things and go on some crazy adventure, picking up work wherever I end up, meeting people. Alexandria (the guide) thought I had great energy and was a cool person - nope, never heard anyone call me that before.

From there we walked up to Checkpoint Charlie and had our photos taken in a photo booth. So funny. Four black and white photos of us looking dazed and confused. They are now on our fridge - pride of place. From Checkpoint Charlie we walked to a place called Topography of Terrors. This new building has been created on the old area that homed the offices of the Gestapo and SS. Chilling. What I liked about the Germans was the fact that they do not hide their head in shame of what happened; they appear open and honest and whilst not celebrating it (obviously) they do not hide the fact either. I liked this place, it was fascinating and interesting. I sad on part of a guided tour and they guy, whose English was brilliant, was so interesting. A sad, awful time in German history. But if any of you go to Berlin, visit this place, a time for reflection.
We returned to Postdamer Platz to the Sony Centre for dinner. Once again the food was good (even though still not much vegetarian to choose from) and we had a beer, which was lovely. Back on the bus and to the hotel and time to get naked again! I had a towel around me and the first thing, again, I was greeted with was a guy's arse lol. So funny. I was in the jacuzzi and wanted to get out but then thought what would happen if I was walking to get my towel and Andy turned up! I stayed ages in that bloody jacuzzi, turning all wrinkly before I thought, enough and got out. All jokes aside, a sauna after a busy day walking was a great end to the day.
Happy Birthday Megan, wherever you are. I love you to the moon and back. I also learnt about some other people today as well! You live and learn.
Monday: Our last day in this wonderful City. We packed and went for breakfast and left our bags at the hotel and back on the tram. It was raining again today. It was one of those damp, dank days where you get drenched. We were off to the Reichstag, the seat of German's parliament. We had to organise this prior to our visit, but we both thought it was strange that neither of us have been to the Houses of Parliament here in the UK; but managed to get to see Germany's government building.
This building was stunning. The glass done was designed in 1992 by Norman Foster a UK architect. I thought it was quite ironic that this glass done was created by a Brit not a German considering they have a great eye for design. However, I was not disappointed. This building is wonderful. You are given headphones to wear that tell you the story of the building and then point out places of interest across the city as you walk up the slope to the top. I really liked this building. It was light and airy and such a great design. Once again, if you get to go to Berlin, register to see this building. It is well worth the look.
By now we were cold, wet and tired. We made our way back to Alexanderplatz for coffee and cake and to keep dry and warm. Andy had not had the local delicacy of Curry Wurst. Which is basically a sausage, there is a surprise with a tomato/curry sauce. You see people selling them on the streets for about 1.5E. We went to a kiosk and had one there. I had chips lol. Back on the tram and to the hotel to collect our cases and made our way to the Airport.
Tegel Airport is very small. We checked in our bags and sat and waited. Our flight was delayed. I hate this when it happens; there is nothing you can do but wait. Our flight home was long. We had to circle over Essex three times. This happens a great deal in London because of the number of planes trying to land. Round and round we went for around 30 minutes. But boy we were in for a treat. The pilot followed the river. We saw Stratford and the stadium, the O2 (Dome), Canary Wharf, the London Eye, Picaddilly Circus and over The Shard. It was so beautiful to see. I love London and this was a treat.
The tube journey home however, was not such a treat. It seemed to take ages and ages and ages ............................ eventually home. Andy love him, carried the cases upstairs and I went and got us some chips. We ate and then straight to sleep. It had been a long day but we had such a great time.
I liked Germany and would love to see some more of it. The people are quite conservative. We noticed that they would not cross the road until the little man had turned green. No one moved, until it changed. They were polite and all seemed to speak English, even the women in Primark when I went in there for some hair slides. I apologised for the fact that I could not speak German and said that my name was Karen in German and that was that. It is clean, it runs well but it was cold ....... I guess you can't have it all. But in the immortal words of another (and yes I know he is not German) ....... I will be back.
As always, with my love x
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Happy Days and new memories! |
Sehr gut sehr gut!!!
ReplyDeleteMeine Freude Ian . Ich hatte eine tolle Zeit und sehr gut gefallen Berlin!
DeleteSo you found the graffiti, I see. No sounds like you had a great time. There's nothing can be done about the weather there.
ReplyDeleteI usually try to travel with just hand baggage these days; now thy've upped the allowance it's so much easier not to have to wait for your bag the other end. I failed abysmally this trip obviously, but it's quite possible for a 1 or 2 week trip.
And it is a british thing to need to wear clothes in a sauna. There are some nude saunas in London, but I think mostly they're just sex clubs or thinly veiled prostitution. When I used the sauna in indonesia the other women all went in in full aerobics gear, including trainers.
Have a good week. Start planning your next trip xx
Oh I found tons of street art Sarah. Berlin is such a cool, arty place and yes the weather is just an inconvenience compared to the city. We had our photos done too in the booth. So funny! We, well me, only had two suitcases - a cabin bag which Andy used, then one slightly bigger that I used and Andy put stuff in as well! It was OK. The bags were on and off so quick, just dragging the bloody thing on the tube!
DeleteYes, I know of the saunas you are talking about in London lol lol. I would love to do it again, it was so liberating and no one bothered - personally I think they should have copped a look as I am gorgeous lol. Trainings in a sauna! Really? Yes, I am planning don't you worry, another city break I think. Hugs and stuff xxxx
I love Germany, such a beautiful country - I didn't make it to Berlin unfortunately, only to a huge national park sort of thing a few K away. It was actually a weekend outdoor concert/festival and we went by bike!
ReplyDeleteI used to love currywurst when I ate that sort of thing and fruhstuck (breakfast which was scrambled egg with bread,). Unfortunately there isn't a lot on offer for vegetarians, my friend asked for a plain cheese omlet as he didn't eat meat and it turned up with ham in it so he just picked the bits out rather than try and explain (they didn't regard ham as meat!!)
I'm so glad that you both had a great time sweetheart. Much love and hugs from us two down under xx
Hi Jackie yes I remember you going all packed up on a motorbike lol! I had just forgotten. I giggled at your friend and their omelette. I can just see that happening. They really are a meat eating nation that is for sure. That aside, I liked it. I liked the arty feel of Berlin and the anything goes attitude of the bohemian types. I can see why they are leaving London to go and live in Berlin. It is cheaper, cleaner and so much space. I have never been to a city with so much space.
DeleteSo I am planning my next city break. I will, hopefully if all goes to plan, aiming to see you early next year ..... all being well. My love and hugs to you both xxxx Oh and say hello to those stars for me will you lol xxxxx