From an early age I was taught to respect That a broken heart girl Ain't a thing you collect Close your eyes and say Nothing lasts a day You're wasting my time Yet I love to love you (The Night You Murdered Love - ABC)
So this final song is not from the Lexicon of Love. That album has lasted in my life longer than any man and almost any other relationship I have had with a human being - sad but true. I had forgotten about this song until I heard Martin Fry sing it on Tuesday evening and I thought how much I liked it. So here it is, as always, enjoy!
Saturday: Really anxious about my back, which is not good as being stressed about it makes me tense and being tense will not help my back ...... sigh. Up, showered and dressed and I was soon off to the tube to collect my friend Ian. I met Ian at the Meet Up in Stoke a couple of years ago and we have stayed friends ever since. He had come down from his own in Cheshire to come to the Morning Gloryville rave with me. We dropped his bag off at my flat and then caught the tube to the venue. It was great. So many people but I was not hitting the dance floor full on as I was anxious about my back. But we danced, chatted and laughed and had a great time. The atmosphere at these venues is so good, so much love and such a relaxed vibe. All so good.
We then went over to Waterloo to Wahaca for some delicious Mexican food. So good then over to the pub for a quick drink before catching the bus back to my flat. We had a coffee and sat chatting away to Andy and then Ian had to leave to check into his hotel (he is staying down in London all weekend meeting friends). So Ian left and Andy was not long behind him as he was out this evening. I am not out. So I spent the evening in my room watching Black Mirror on Netflix. I really enjoyed the last two series and this one was not disappointing. Really good writing. Excellent series. Sunday: London was bathed in a cloak of fog this morning. So much so, that when I was making my way over London Bridge you could not see a thing. I did feel sorry for the tourists who are still around with their selfie sticks - no views today. I got off the bus a few stops earlier and walked through Shoreditch Park. I wanted to feed the squirrels as I had popped into Tesco earlier to buy some nuts for them. However, they obviously thought it was a rotten morning and had decided to stay in their beds, or wherever they sleep. Actually, where do squirrels sleep? Andy thinks they sleep in trees so I Googled it. They sleep in trees, in nests and snuggle up to each other. Sound bliss. My morning then went rapidly down hill. I get to the cafe and Gary, one of the staff was outside. He said that another member of staff had rung in sick and he had no keys, so they would not open today. I guess it is what it is. I walked back and caught some rather lovely Halloween street art, then, got on the first bus and then changed at Somerset House onto another bus. As we were going over Waterloo Bridge (still my favourite bridge) the driver hit the brakes so hard. I mean really hard. My bag went flying down the bus and so did I, only stopping by hitting both arms on the hand rails which stopped me from being thrown down the aisle of the bus. Some idiot had decided to do a U turn on Waterloo Bridge. I mean as if. So now I am the owner of a back that keeps twinging, a left arm with a bruise and lump on it courtesy of my flu jab, a left upper arm with a huge bruise and lump on it, thank you TFL and my right forearm is now black, once again thank you TFL. I have to be honest, it kind of shook me up. I got home and lay on my bed and felt rather emotional. I decided, as you do to cheer yourself up, to watch Wuthering Heights. My favourite book of all time. Oh how I love this book. The film was OK and there are so many wonderful lines in the book:
'He's more myself than I am. Whatever our soles are made of, his and mine are the same, or what about 'If all else perished, and he remained, I should still continue
to be; and if all else remained, and he were annihilated, the universe would
turn to a mighty stranger' then there is 'Be with me always - take any
form - drive me mad! only do not leave me in this abyss, where I cannot find
you! Oh, God! it is unutterable! I can not live without my life! I can not live
without my soul!' but my favourite line of all is 'I have not broken
your heart - you have broken it; and in breaking it, you have broken mine'
ain't that the truth Megan.
So obviously, this made me feel a whole lot better. I then decided to sort out my wardrobe, taking out summer clothes and replacing them with winter and bagging up 'stuff' I no longer wear. This never happened either, just took out winter 'stuff' and put all summer 'stuff' in the suitcase. I will worry about that come spring. I cooked us a lovely Sunday dinner and we rounded up the evening watching all the rubbish we had recorded. I really do need to get a life!
Ah well me must both live the same high life then. I also spent Saturday night binge-watching black mirror.
ReplyDeleteHello Sarah oh how strange is that lol! I watched the whole of series 3 thought it was brilliant xx