Saturday 23 April 2016

Ask me why I'll say it's most unusual. How can I even try to explain why today I feel like dancing singing like lovers sing, when I wouldn't normally do this kind of thing? (I Wouldn't Normally Do This Kind of Thing - The Pet Shop Boys)

Well the girl has go to try to optimistic on a Monday morning.  Another Pet Shop Boys song that just make me want to sing and dance and let's face it, I need all the help I can get on a Monday morning.  As always, enjoy.

Monday:  Strange thing happened this morning.  There were parrots outside of my bedroom window.  Yes you did read that right and no, I have not been drinking (I wish I had it might get rid of this bloody virus).  I could hear a noise going on and I guess something must have sub-consciously told me to go and have a look and when I did, there were around six parrots squawking and singing in the tree.  I could not believe my eyes.  When I was in Australia you always saw them and I know there are parrots in the west of London but really, where I live.  Needless to say, it brightened up my day.  9.00-6.00 (yes you did read that right) done and back home and the evening went really quick.

Tuesday:  So feeling a bit smug today.  Two things. One I shall kind of share; the other I will not.  Something that happened last week that I thought would come to nothing has actually resulted in a kind of a success ......... well actually in hindsight that statement sort of fits the two things.  I shall park that there.  But feeling very happy.

Beautiful day in London.  Tonight I am off to the theatre and I am a bit anxious about it because of this damn cough.  It is my local little theatre (I do like it there) but I will go but sit by the doors and if I have a coughing fit I will just have to leave.  Fingers crossed.

The play was at my lovely Southwark Playhouse. I just love this theatre.  The play was called Darknet and it explored the relationship between individuals and the information they share on platforms just like this in return for a credit rating and currency.  However, you soon realise that not everyone is prepared to sacrifice their personal life by sharing information and like most things in life, there is always a dark side. It was so good. I loved the set which had a great deal of interaction with technology.  There was one line that really hit home and fortunately I have been able to find it.  So think about this one folks as you open your laptop, Ipad or phone and read this:

"You're not even a fully formed person yet.  Your face is still changing and your bones are still growing but already there's a detailed map of your personality out there and companies you've never heard of are getting rich off it."

On the way home I found an American family of four lost (as one does).  I got chatting to them and they are here for a few days from Colorado before travelling to Europe.  They were looking for a grocery store.  Straight away I thought of that blood grocery card ......... aka shopping trolley (read previous blog from last year to see what I am going on about).  They also wanted Chinese food so I suggested that they downloaded the Just Eat App to their phone and order some to be delivered to their hotel.  They were very pleasant and I do still like it when they call me Ma'am! 

Wednesday:  Beautiful morning and I was in work for 8.30 leaving at 5.30 (again). Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, my plans for the evening were cancelled.  It cannot be helped and these things happened. Met Andy at Tescos and we, well he had decided to cook dinner.  He created a lovely pasta based dish with veg for me and chicken and veg for him.  I used the evening to do some research on something I needed to know a bit more about and then watching Master Chef.  Why oh why do these people put themselves through it I ask myself.  I cannot believe either that Wednesday has almost been and gone.

Thursday:  Interesting day today.  However,  I am not at liberty to share at the moment.  But what I can say is that I have met some really interesting people the past week or so and it just restores my faith in human kindness.

The news that Prince had died (after yesterday's news of the death of Victoria Wood).  It was kind of ironic that Prince died on the Queen's 90th birthday, just after the death of the Duke (Bowie).  I liked what I liked of Prince's music. I thought he was a strange little man but immensely talented.  I think the thing that scared me was the fact that he was a couple of years older than me!  It really has been a terrible year for the loss of great and unique talent.

Last night I had a terrible night's sleep.  Cough, cough bloody cough.  I am now thinking this is asthmatic and will be ringing the Doctors (again) tomorrow morning at 8.00 to get an appointment to get run this past them. Andy was suppose to be out tonight but he was tired and cancelled. We just chilled (and coughed) and I took an anti histamine at 21:00 and was safe in the arms of Orpheus by 22:00.    

Friday:  Oh how I have that Friday feeling today.  Not that I am actually doing anything.  I was going to walk down the Southbank but it rained.  So it was a night in, sorting out finances and doing necessary paperwork. You know how it is. Still not feeling 100%, far from it but I will rally round this weekend as I am going to see my dear friends Emma and Hannah run in the London Marathon. Hannah is running for Lepra and Emma is running for Shuktara.  If you are able to make a donation to either of these worthwhile causes, I know the girls would be over the moon:

As always, with my love x


  1. Yes they're getting closer and closer to our age; Bowie at 69, Victoria Wood at 62 and now Price at 57. I actually read in the Guardian that the most popular age for musicians to die is 56. People think 27 because of a few big name deaths, but statistically more die at 56. Do you think I should be worried with my ukulele and everything? Someone suggested we all form a protective ring around Bono this year.
    Glad things are looking up for you now; you sounded so down the last few weeks. Hope the weather stays sunny (or gets sunny I have no idea what the British weather is doing now) for the marathon.

  2. Hi Sarah! I know I mean 57! I did giggle the thought of you as a musician with said ukulele. If it is in the Guardian then I guess it is true. Lol literally at Bono too lol, so funny. Yes I am OK, being ill makes you feel yuk. Still not right, far from it, but hopefully getting somewhere. It is so cold today in London. I have just put the heating on to air the flat through. Roll on summer, that always makes most thing right. Safe travels my friend and you should stick to being 29 just like me :) xxxxx

  3. I was just about to say 29.....haha!!!
