Monday 25 April 2016

Every time I see you something happens to me. Like a chain reaction between you and me (Heart - Pet Shop Boys)

Another one of those songs that just makes you smile and smile.  I can remember this track when it come out and just fell in love with it.  You just have to smile and sing along. Oh and the video is rather special too.  As always, enjoy.

Saturday: It is really cold in London today.  I guess we were given that false hope of sunshine and warmth the other day and then nature repays us with it turning cold.  Today I went to the Imperial War Museum to see the Lee Miller Exhibition.  Lee Miller was the ultimate muse.  Starting her career as a successful model, who looked absolutely flawless; then becoming a successful fashion and war photographer. To say she had an amazing life would be a slight understatement.  The photographs were stunning.  If I could take just one photo as good as that in my lifetime I would be more than happy.  Iconic black and white prints. She paved the way for women, yet her son did not know of her photographic career during the war until after she died when he found the photographs boxed up in the attic. An amazing story of a very pioneering woman.

Walked to Waterloo station to Wasabi and got some lovely Japanese food for dinner.  I was going to go to the Southbank to get a couple of cards but to be honest, I was so cold and I also found what I was looking for in Foyles and Scrible at the station.  So I thought stuff it I wont bother.  I did pop into Boots to have a chat with the woman in there.  I started to use my new Boots Foundation and once again, just like the concealer, I have a dry skin patch under my eye.  She said that I can take both products back and they will refund me.  I was amazed and delighted to hear this news. I then went to the Clinque counter and discussed the situation with the woman there and they gave me a generous sample of a new foundation to try.

Back to the flat and I was still cold. Spent the rest of the afternoon blogging, paperwork and downloading an app for tomorrow's London Marathon. In the evening I watched the BBC's tribute to 400 years of Shakespeare like - that still makes me giggle.  It was so good. It was funny, classical, memorising, modern and innovative.  Andy come home and plonked himself on the end of my bed and was like a child at Christmas.  He had treated himself to a new board game and insisted on telling me all about it ....... sigh! Still at least he is happy.  I rounded off the evening chatting to Olivier who is visiting family in Cornwall and looking at some stunning photos and a video of St Ives that he filmed.  A good day.

Sunday:  I think you can cope with most things in life if you have sleep.  Last night I did not sleep. I was just coughing, coughing and coughing.  I have diagnosed myself now with asthma and will be telling the GP this tomorrow morning at my next, sigh, appointment.  I am puffing away on my inhaler aka crack pipe as I like to call it, morning, noon and night and not a damn thing. I eventually slept around 4.00am and subsequently did not get up in time to go to Trews for mediation - damn cough.

Andy and I had breakfast and he did make me laugh.  I know he is restless at night; let's face it, I have 'slept' with him so many times and to date, he still is the youngest guy I have 'slept' with.  Anyway, he told me that he vaguely remembered in his sleep and then found out to be true when he woke up, that he had got out of bed and took down a picture from his wall! I mean, really. Oh I was laughing and laughing this morning.  The stupid idiot.

We sat and watched some of the London Marathon which always reminds me that the majority of people are kind and good; we only get to hear about the ones who are not.  Showered and dressed and I caught the bus (I would have normally walked) to Temple and cheered on the runners as they passed me by. Eventually, I saw my friend Hannah go by and a shouted and shouted and she heard me and turned and waved and waved.  I felt so proud. Then about 20 minutes later her sister Emma went by. Once again I shouted and Emma heard me and turned and waved and smiled and blew kisses.  I felt so, so proud of the pair of them.  It was amazing.  Then something totally inspiring happened. A young guy run past then stopped right by me.  I then noticed that he had a prosthetic limb. He sat on the kerb, took the limb off, then the bandages and rubbed his stump, redressed his leg, put the prosthetic limb back on and run off. I felt totally speechless.  People are amazing.  People are kind and people are good.  We need to be reminded of this at times.  The Marathon fills my heart with joy.  I used to watch it every year on the TV and still cannot believe I am able to go and watch it.  The atmosphere is brilliant. People are smiling and encouraging people; there is so much love.  If only every day could be a Marathon day ........... well OK apart from the running!

I caught the bus home (again I would have normally walked but so wheezy) and Andy had four friends over to play the said new board game, which for any of you who are slightly interested is Battle Star Galactica. Yep! I am saying nothing and are just grateful that he realises I have no interest whatsoever in learning to play it.  So here I am in my room, listening to music and writing cards and doing some online shopping.   Not a bad weekend, just wish I was feeling better.  I guess we shall see what the Doctor says tomorrow.

As always, with my love x


  1. Oh I read about the photographer woman, so good to see that you got to see the photos. I still find it endlessly frustrating when I read about things that are on in London that I don't get to see. But then again when I was there I never got round to doing half of it.
    Hope the doctor gives you something to help the cough.

  2. Hello Sarah. Yes the exhibition was really good. I am so pleased I dragged my sorry carcass up the road lol. That is the trouble with London, there is so much going on and difficult to fit it all in. Fingers crossed with this bag of meds. Safe travels my friend xxx
