Sunday 10 April 2016

Maybe I didn't treat you quite as good as I should. Maybe I didn't love you quite as often as I could. Little things I should've said and done, I never took the time. You were always on my mind. You were always on my mind (Always On My Mind - The Pet Shop Boys)

Some of you may think of Elvis when you hear this song; I guess I do as well. So as always, enjoy.

Saturday:  Did I sleep well? Yes. Do I feel better? No.

I chose this song for the weekend's blog as I know I am not going to have much to write about and as I have been alone for most of the week I have been doing that one thing that I really should not really do ........ think about the past. However, I have surprised myself this time.  Andy and I had that chat about 6-8 weeks ago and it has made me look at my previous situation in an entirely different light.  OK I am still processing it but I think, no I know, it has really helped.  All is well.

Timehop has a spooky way of reminding me about events that I really do not want to be remembered about, couple this with MTV random music videos and the Universe is talking to me.  Last night I was channel hopping the music channels (as one does) and I come across Eminem and I had to smile.  When my daughter was little and much to her father's annoyance, she proudly used to sing 'I'm Slim Shady, the real Slim Shady' word for word but she could not say the word onion as in 'working in Burger King, spitting on the onion rings' and she pronounced onion as ongniong.  It is funny how as song can just make you smile.  Yes, I did a good job as a parent and that is where she gets her love of music from.
Spring is on her way

Trip to the supermarket with Andy and back home.  We had a bet on the National. We lost. He was out today so I was home alone and I must not be well as I was not going stir crazy!  I found Broadchurch and that was it.  Zone out doing nothing, well apart from coughing and watching David Tenannt, who ironically took his name from Neil Tennant from the Pet Shop Boys.  Spooky little fact there. Yet another lazy day ..... sigh.

Sunday:  Well I awoke to a blue skied morning.  Albeit it photos sent from a friend from Washington of some of the beautiful trees and gardens there.  We really do live in such a small world now.  It still amazes me that with a click of a button we can share information around the world, instantaneously!  For what it is worth, they do not rate Washington (this is the one in the States by the way) at all.  They describe it is a soulless and just a machine.  I can understand that. A city that cannot be bothered to give their streets a name kind of says a lot.

No meditation for me this morning.  I did not sleep well and thought well if I wake up I will go.  I did not wake up in time.  It is a shame, as I love my Sunday mornings but sometimes you just have to do what is best.  So not much to report really.  Pottered around which is a good sign I am beginning to feel better as I did some cleaning and any of you who know me know how I have to clean.  I guess it is that Virgo thing!   

Tom and Lynda!
Andy and Karen lol ...... slight difference!
So another chilled out day. I am feeling better. I am feeling a lot better and this is good. I am really going to do so many things next weekend in celebration of feeling well.  There is an exhibition I need to see, a coffee date I am excited to keep and I need to see my friends at my mediation group.  Andy and I sat and watched an episode of Gimmie, Gimmie, Gimmie today.  It was so funny. Especially with Lynda La Hughes aka the amazing and so talented Kathy Burke screamed at Tom that she was only 28! As you know my friends, I am only 29! We laughed and laughed.  It was like seeing certain aspects of your life being played out on the TV.  It is true what they say, laughter is the best medicine.

As always, with my love X


  1. I'm guessing you're talking about the city washington dc rather than the state. washington state is probably the best place I went to last year, in terms of being liveable and friendly.
    good that you're starting to feel better finally.
    have a good week

  2. Hello Sarah
    Nope not feeling better. Back to GPs tomorrow. Joy oh Joy! Yes they were in Washington DC not the state. I must admit, I like the sound of Washington state it did sound lovely. Hugs and love xx
