Saturday 19 March 2016

And if the people stare, then the people stare. Oh, I really don't know and I really don't care (Hand in Glove - The Smiths)

The thing is I do care.  I wished I didn't; but I do.  I think people look at you (and I am using that word loosely) and think just because you are getting on with your life all is fine.  Those people who are in your life realise that this is not always the case; the others do not have a clue and draw their own conclusions. Like any situation it is about how you react to it and how you allow it to impact on you.  Like some one said, you have to make sacrifices and if people who suppose to care for you do not like it, then certain friendships are a tough price to pay for my freedom.  I can see why my friend Sarah does not do sentiment.It has to be easier! You have to love The Smiths they sum it up a treat!  As always, enjoy!

Monday:  Well this morning I woke up with yet another head cold ... yuk!  So much for sitting in the sunshine yesterday, reading my book. But the sun was shining again and that always makes me smile.  Quiet night tonight as Andy and I caught up on some TV we had recorded then I had a lovely chat with my dear friend Jackie.  We had a good old girlie natter; so much laughter. So begins another week.

Tuesday:  Today flew by. I decided, reluctantly, not to go to Aqua Fit this evening. I am still getting over this chill and it would have been kind of silly to go really.  I cooked dinner this evening as Andy had had the day from hell. He is working at the moment on a tele-conference so I come to my room.  So here I am snuggled up in bed.  I am trying to save money at the moment as it has been an expensive month.  But hey, that is London living.

Wednesday:  I am getting concerned.  I have had three good 9-5 days in a row! I shall say no more.  Today has been a day of catching up.  I received two lovely phone calls from friends in the frozen North.  It was so lovely to hear them and to catch up on all their news. We just laughed and laughed.  Happy times.  Then this evening I received my first 'celebrity' following on Twitter. Andy is very impressed and I am stunned.  I tweeted them back to say thank you and they even liked that!  Obviously, I will not let this new found fame go to my head but I will be signing copies of my appearance in Hello magazine for those of you who would like it :)  

Tonight I watched the final episode of a TV serial PPLP (my French friend) recommended to me which is strange when you think that he has been watching it in Icelandic, reading it in English and he is French.  It is called Trapped and has been showing on BBC4. It is a drama set in Icleand with subtitles.  Two things here.  I am not adverse to watching a programme with subtitles but I do get distracted and tend to wander off.  Obviously, you cannot do this as my command of the Icelandic language is zero.  Secondly, I know of quite a few people who have recently been to, or want to go to Iceland.  Those of you who know me will know that I do not do cold.  However, I have to say after watching this programme, that it looks absolutely stunning. Cold. But stunning. I really do not think I could go in the winter months but maybe in the Summer.  Perhaps I will put it on the bucket list now clubbing in Ibiza is coming off the list this year! 

The days are just flying by which means the weeks are too.  It is crazy where the time is going.  I am looking forward to having a few days off over the Easter period.  I have also carried over some annual leave from this year which is good as I do hate wasting my annual leave.  I would rather just take it when I am doing something special, than to just take it to hang around the flat.  Unlike Andy bless him, who is having this Friday of to just chill.  But hey, it would not pay for us all to be the same would it now.

Thursday:  Well prayers have been answered.  I have lost my voice. Well not entirely, but enough to sound ridiculous.  Bloody cold.  Still, like I always say, there would be plenty of people in the Crem who would like to just have a cold. Beautiful sunny day today. I met Andy in the shopping centre and we went and got some food.  Things were getting a tad dire. Back home, we cleared out the freezer, disposing of some food that had been in there for ages.

Andy had been given, by a friend, a Sky package that will give us loads more packages including box sets for less than we are paying now. I have left him to it. But it looks now as if we are going to be transferring to Sky.  He is excited about it anyway ...... bless him.

There was something on the news that said there are now 8.9 million people leaving in London.   This got me thinking.  If you half that number so let us say 4.5 million are female and 4.5 million are male. Take off 1.5 million on both gender for children.  Leaving 3 million men and 3 million women.  We are both interested in men.  Therefore, we have 3 million to choose from.  Half of them are gay, leaving 1.5 million straight.  Out of the 1.5 million straight men at least half of them thing any hole is a goal, leaving 750,000.  My odds of finding someone are crap! Andy's odd are far greater than mine!  Come to London he said, plenty of people to meet he said.  Sigh!  

So early night as I was feeling yuk, snuggled in bed with my book and thinking of the 750,000 men there are out there somewhere for me.  I guess I will have to keep looking.

Friday:  This morning I awoke to find I have no voice! World Prayers have been finally answered.  I went to work, of course I did, but did not answer the phone. I left, taking TOIL at 15:00 and made my way up to King's Cross station. Tonight I was meeting my friend Ian who I know from the Stoke Meet Up group. We decided to go for a drink first, so we made our way up to Granary Square which is just north of King's Cross station.  We went to a place called Caravan. I warned Ian before we went in that it was very hipster, I was not wrong. I counted four man buns, beards and waiters wearing beanies. I ordered a gin. I thought sod it, it will wash the paracetamol down.  Gin is not just poured into a glass it is dropped from a great height after being shook and shook.  Just get me a drink!  We had a couple in there, chatting (well croaking in my case) away then decided to go to eat.  We were going to Dishoom which is another of my favourite places to eat in London.  However, we were told the queue would be around 90 minutes!

We decided to go and eat at The Grain Store instead, another hipster place! Welcome to London.  The service was not brilliant however the meal more than made up for it.  We both had the same; vegetable chilli.  Ian was off out later. He had invited me along with him as he was going clubbing and you know me, any other time I would be the first one there.  However, as I am not feeling so well I thought better of it.  We went to a pub along the Euston Road for a last drink then made our way up to Tavistock Square where I caught the bus home. It was such a lovely evening and great to catch up our each other's news. I am so lucky that people want to meet up with me when they are passing through. It was a lovely evening.  All I need now, is my voice back.

As always, with my love x


  1. It's more the nostalgia thing I don't do. Don't think it serves any purpose other than to get you angry about things you can't change, that kind of 'why did I put up with that for so long?' feeling.
    The Icelandic TV thing looks good, and I might look out for that. Iceland is really popular now, mainly because they've got some good stopover deals between Europe and the US. I'd go again, definitely. It would be nice to see some of the more sparsely populated parts and not just the city.
    And how cool that you have a celeb follower. I've pretty much given up with twitter now; I really hate it as a social media platform.
    Your life sounds pretty good to me really. If you could just do something about the weather I think it would be ok.

  2. Hey Sarah. Yes life is good! Spring is certainly on her way in London and that gives you hope. See if you can get Trapped. It really was good, I enjoyed it. Another friend is stopping over in Iceland on their way to Canada because of the same reason. Yes my 'celeb' follow is liking my tweets lol. I will send you an email this week and let you know who it is or if you follow me on Twitter you can see lol! You are right about the getting angry thing. I am going through another shift of getting rid of things - material things, emotional things. I guess it is a spring clean of my brain lol. Safe travels my friend xx

  3. Did you know that there are more people in London than all of NZ!! lol Oh and the hipster place sounds like the majority of cafes and restaurants in Welly - man buns, beards and beanies galore!
    I can't get in t Twitter - they keep restting my password but no joy - hey ho there's a lot worse happenings in the world than not being able to access Twitter ..
    Much love and hugs xxx

  4. Hello Jackie. How scary is that. More people in London and I still can't find one worthy enough lol. I will message you on words with friends and tell you my celeb follower......... you will giggle my friend. Hugs and love xxx
