I would go out tonight but I haven't got a stitch to wear (This Charming Man - The Smiths)
Well I should be going out tonight, but it is not because I haven't got a stitch to wear it is because I still have not got a voice! You all all know this song. I bet man of you started to sing this song when you read the line. A Smith's classic. As always, enjoy!
Saturday: So no voice. I said to Andy last thing before I went to bed, that if he goes to get his hair cut in the morning could he bring me back an avocado for my breakfast. I then joked oh and some sough bread too. He laughed and said you are so middle class. I had a terrible nights sleep and finally woke around 10.00. I had two messages from Andy. He had gone to get his hair cut and was on his way to Borough Market where he bought some avocados, some of my favourite mushroom pate (you can only buy it at Borough Market) and some sough dough bread. That was so sweet. I cried. I said to him that I am going to stay a Raggy Doll. Why do I want any other bloke when he went and done that for me because I was feeling yuk. So kind.
He come home and we cooked some scrambled eggs and mushrooms, tomatoes and shallots and had a banquet of a breakfast at our little table in our lounge. I even got the tea pot out and my Blue Italian cup and saucer. So we sat there, me in my PJ feeling like poop eating the most delicious brunch. I did say to Andy that he is the most easiest guy I have ever lived with. There are no arguments. No confrontations. We both watch each other's backs and just gel along. It is the perfect relationship. Obviously NO SEX (I can't even think of that) but I guess I could argue that in many people's 'normal' relationships there isn't any of that either! Just saying. So another thing to put on my list of demands for the next candidate to walk part of my journey with. Must be a good soul; above all else, a good, kind soul. I wonder if that is going to be easier to find. I am not holding my breath!
A lazy day in PJs, voice coming and going. I am sitting in the lounge and it is looking like a care home. Tissues, blanket, hot Ribena and my hair looking as if I have been pulled through a bush backwards! Such a good look (not). It is normally times like this if my life was a film, that there would be a knock at the door and the man of my dreams would be standing there and I would look like death ...... sigh. Well that never happened either so I spent the day watching Netflix, catching up on those little jobs that never get done and feeling sorry for myself. I don't think I have ever been so pleased to see my bed when that time arrived. How can you be so exhausted doing absolutely nothing?
Sunday: No Trews for me this week. I never woke up until 8.30, then made a drink and went back to bed until 10.00. I decided then that I needed to get a grip and being a typical Virgo I did what we do best ................ I cleaned. Nets down, windows cleaned, floors mopped, dusting done, vacuuming done, ironing done and anything that needed washing was washed. Andy just lets me get on with it. I am like a whirling dervish clutching a bottle of bleach. However, he did go and tidy his room, cleaned his window and vacuumed his room and lounge! I decided that my poor old Nan would turn in her grave if I put the same nets back up at the window. To say they are grey would be a slight understatement. So spent the morning looking on eBay to try to find some (reasonably priced) that I could buy to replace them. This may only be a rented flat, but it is my home and I want it to looked loved and cared for.
Andy went out and I had a lovely soak in the bath whilst reading my book. Bliss. There is something luxurious of giving yourself the time to soak in the bath these days and today I took it. At least I am feeling a great deal better and my voice is coming back - yay! So a quiet weekend; not what I planned. However, there are just times when you just have to listen to your body and give in. Thank goodness for Netflix, tissues, paracetamol and Andy.
This is what happens when you work all week; you end up so tired that you just want to sleep and chill all weekend. Do you need nets at all? I always associate them with middle-classdome
Hi Sarah. Well the voile as it really is as opposed to fancy old nets, was there in the flat when Andy arrived and that is the problem with renting,you cannot just go and change things. Anyway, new voile (nets) ordered and Landlady is going to reimburse me for them. Also, I feel like I am in a goldfish bowl, especially in my bedroom. Personally,if it was my place I would have blinds, but there you go. I have little choice. Safe travels my friend xxx
This is what happens when you work all week; you end up so tired that you just want to sleep and chill all weekend.
ReplyDeleteDo you need nets at all? I always associate them with middle-classdome
Hi Sarah. Well the voile as it really is as opposed to fancy old nets, was there in the flat when Andy arrived and that is the problem with renting,you cannot just go and change things. Anyway, new voile (nets) ordered and Landlady is going to reimburse me for them. Also, I feel like I am in a goldfish bowl, especially in my bedroom. Personally,if it was my place I would have blinds, but there you go. I have little choice. Safe travels my friend xxx