In a past life, long, long ago, I guess I lived in a house a fairly big house in the country. How life changes you. You think that your life is all mapped out, where you are going, what you are going to do and then one day ........ boom! Someone, something pulls the rug out under your feet and that is it. This week I had a panic attack. I have not had one for a long time. I saw a young woman who I thought, but did not know for sure, was my Meg. How can any mother not know who her daughter is. Mind you, the last words my own mother said to me whilst at my Nan's funeral was 'Sorry, I don't recognise the face' (fact). Oh I must have been so evil in a past life. When I calmed down and hid behind my sunglasses, I realised that it could not be her as this person looked like how I remembered her, some five years ago. She would have changed by now, but in my mind she looks the same. It hurt like hell. As always, enjoy the music.
Monday: My first day without my training wheels on (Andy's phase, not mine). I had an extra hour in bed as I had a terrible nights sleep. Then in that extra hour, I had a kind of nightmare as in dreaming about things and people I did not need in my head. The good thing about working from home is I did not have to wash my hair this morning, I just put it up. Dressed (kind of) and ready to roll. I worked so hard this morning, I had to remind myself to stop. I guess it is because you are not distracted by other people. I had the radio on and just ploughed through my work. I enjoyed it and like the idea that I manage my own working pattern. This really suits me. So I stopped for my lunch and sat and watched the news! Such a treat even though it was depressing. I went to bed at 10.00pm and never saw 11.00pm and slept right round until 4.00am. This is all good Tuesday: Busy day today. Worked at home then caught the bus into the office. Where I am working must be one of the safest or the dangerous places in London. I work near to MI6 which is constantly patrolled by the armed police. I hate it. I hate seeing guns on the streets, but know it is a means to an end. Back in the late 70s early 80s I was working in London when the IRA were blowing it up and my dear old Nan hated me working there in case I got hurt. I never did. Here we are again and London is on high alert. I am not scared, I do not even think about it, well until I see the armed response. Work was busy and I attended my first full team meeting and met some of my
colleagues. I cannot tell you how different the atmosphere is. Everyone, and I mean everyone, smiled and introduced themselves and asked how I was getting on and how lucky they were to have me on the team. It was wonderful. After this I had to go over to Millbank and collect some equipment and once again I saw one of the women I went out for a drink with the other Friday and we stood and chatted and then she introduced me to someone else and we laughed and chatted away. So, so different. Quiet evening, the highlight of which was the Tesco food delivery. All rock and roll my friends, all rock and roll. Wednesday: Well today was a day of getting wet, drying off, getting wet again. Not feeling the love today. A couple of things have shifted my mood and
I will figure it and take control on those things I have control over; the rest I will let it take it's course. Things will settle and I need to make new friends and for this to happen I need to invest the time and energy. Busy day out and about and working part of the day in a cafe waiting for people to turn up. I just love the freedom of my new job. So a quiet new in my room, reading, listening to music and catching up on crap TV. I guess we all need time out now and then. Thursday: Induction training today at Pimlico. Really well organised and very, very interesting. I have only been here for just over three weeks and I feel so proud to be working for this organisation. They really do care about their staff. You cannot tell by how people act or dress who are senior management and who are interns ........ well OK perhaps their age. Everyone has access to everybody else's calendar. You do not have to ask for permission, it is that transparent. The whole place has such a feel good factor. I had to make my first to major decisions today. One was operational; I got it right. The other was management of people and let's face it I have been around the block so many times now it is all so familiar. The girl did well. Still feeling off. I think it is because so much is going good so what do we do?
We don't live in that moment but crave for the few things in our life that are not going so well. I have today tried to pull myself back into the here and now. After the training I walked up to Victoria and into M&S for some new trousers and treated myself to some Wasabi for dinner. On the way there, I come across this cool piece of art. I loved it. Quiet night. I should have been out but for a few reasons, cancelled. I guess I refuse to be a Camilla. Friday: There is a quote from dear old Bridget that I always refer to in times like this: 'It is a truth universally acknowledged that when one part of your life starts going okay, another falls spectacularly to pieces. Good old Bridget, you can always rely on her to sum it up. Home is good, job is brilliant, friends are ticking along, but I feel so lonely. I hate this feeling. I am surrounded by 'friends' who don't really know me and I am just so tired of doing everything on my own. It is all left down to me and some days it just gets so overwhelming. If I do not do it, then it does not get done. Tonight is one of those examples. I managed to get a standing only ticket to the BBC Proms David Bowie Tribute Concert. How cool will this be. I am going alone. I don't want to be, but what choice do I have. I know it is because other things are so good it just makes the things that are shit look even more shitty. But the whole point of this blog is to say it how it is and this is how it is. I could really do with one of dear Steve's hugs right now. So the evening was rather strange. Andy come home and we sat and talked, hugged and cried. He gets so angry with my situation and just wants to take the pain away and he can't and that makes him even more angry. Eventually, I went and had a lie down on my bed. You know that feeling, when you have cried so much your eyes just can't stay open and your head is pounding. So off to the Royal Albert Hall for the David Bowie tribute. I have never been to the Albert Hall before so it was rather exciting. I paid £7.12 for the ticket and had a place (not a seat) in the gallery. It was fabulous. Some of the arrangements to his songs were a bit weird (in my opinion) but others were amazing, especially the rendition of Black Star. It really was a great, if not hot, evening and I would like to go back to the RAH again. Night bus home and eventually asleep for around 2.45am! So a strange few days to be honest. I guess it just goes to show that I still have these wobbles and insecurities. Most people think that I am off living it up in London and all is well and generally, most of the time it is, but also I guess I am just lonely. All will be well.
The lyrics (once again) of this Blur song really sum up how feel right now on Sunday evening. I am in a really good place at the moment, yet. I read something yesterday that I thought was so moving, so beautiful. It comes from a U2 song and to paraphrase the words are:
'There is no end to grief and that is how I know that love never dies'
So back to Blur. What can I say. Just read or listen to the rest of the lyrics to this song. As always, enjoy.
Saturday: I now have the luxury of two Waitroses near to where I work; a small one and a brand new one which, ironically due to the theme in Andy and my own life at the moment, is right by the new American Embassy. Well that aside and thanks to Waitrose, I had sough dough bread, avocado and scrambled egg for breakfast. My favourite start to the day. So out and about today. Bus up to Hoxton where I brought myself a summer dress, yes me in a summer's dress. Overground to New Cross and a mooch around the Sainsbury's and another new top and then back home. Lazy afternoon then out this evening with my Meet Up group to a selection of pubs in Camberwell. I met my friend The Man outside the tube and then we caught a bus down to Camberwell. The first pub we went in was brilliant, I really liked it there. Over the pumps they had a piece of art and the guy behind the bar was telling me that when they opened they invited local artists to create something. So I have included a photo here and a few more at the end for you to enjoy. We went to the other two pubs but to be honest I would have preferred to stay in the first one. Lovely little group. I really do enjoy this Meet Up. Shame PPLP did not join us but that is what happens when you move out of town with no tube. Everything is just too much effort to come back into town. The Man and I were so hungry by then so we said our goodbyes and went to mine. I rang Andy and he ordered pizza. So back home all three of sat and ate pizza laughing and joking. Andy and The Man got on very well and I will not say that I am singing Matchmaker, Matchmaker make me a match in my head, but let's say I have a smile. Made the sofa up for The Man and that was it time for bed. I have said it before and I will say it again, when I have had a drink all forms of communication should be taken off me! Tonight I also had lager and that always makes me lary and tonight, sigh was no exception. Not prepared to share what I did but needless to say it was passive aggressive (my best form of defence) and brutal. Sunday: Awoke to mixed feelings but as always put on a brave face. Andy was out early and me and The Man sat and chatted until it was time for him to go
too. I took Beatrix and went out and about in my neighbourhood, wandering, trying to contain thoughts in my head. I love my neighbourhood and it does not take even me long to walk to some beautiful places. I just wandered around like a lost little soul, trying to process and clear my actions. I sat in the park for an hour, just watching the world go by. The sun must have felt my confusion as it just decided to hide for most of the afternoon behind the clouds. Eventually, I made my way back home. As I walked home a guy passed by me, he must have been late 60s and as we passed he said, in his very south London accent 'alright girl' I smiled and said yes thank you. Then after we past I burst into tears, he sounded just like my
dear old Dad. Crazy but so true. It is such a South London expression, one that I would never have heard in Stoke. Got back to the flat and felt meh. My friend Cherise called me and we had such a lovely talk on the phone. I do miss my girlie chats. I told her my dilemma and she thought I was brilliant; I feel meh. It was so good to speak with her. I do miss people. Andy come home and we decided to put the printer together. I have a printer now as I will be primarily working from home. So there we were at the table when I just blurted out that I had done something so bad and burst into tear. Andy thought WTF. So I spilt the beans. We sat and talked (I cried) about it and as usual he could see the whys and wherefores and we talked. So a quiet evening and I just went to bed at 9.00pm, wanting the day to finish and a new one to start. However, I am waiting for an old skateboard to come flying through my window any day now. Oh well, onwards and upwards.
I love this song, I really do. The first few lines kind of sum up how I feel today. I had a cracking weekend, drinks with work colleagues, raving with Tracey, coffee with Emma and 'hanging out' with Bart. It was such a great weekend and OK yes, I know that some people think I need my head checked by giving people second chances (well probably third in his case) but you know me, I don't give up on people. Nothing lasts. I have learnt that. People come and people go but it is the memories you make that count. I am making new memories and this weekend has been a memory weekend. As always, enjoy.
Monday: The most beautiful blue skied morning today. The weather was
absolutely lovely and doesn't lift your mood. However, my mood was already lifted .......... I shall say no more. Really busy day at work and I learnt so much (again). I did not leave the office until 18.15 and then had to go to the shops to get some bits and finally sat down to some dinner at 19.45! I will go in slightly later tomorrow and do my bits and bobs in the morning, but all is well. So a very quiet night updating finances and catching up on email. I was suppose to have a date with an Australian but as always (men) got a text to say that he could not make it after all, which suited me to be honest especially as I got home so late. But what is it with these bloody men, say one thing; do another ....... sigh. Tuesday: Such a warm night but did manage to get some sleep, even with my window slightly open. Another blue sky morning. I could go into work a bit later today as I am working late this evening, but best laid plans and all that resulted in me being up at the same time anyway! Excellent day at work. I have learnt so much in such a short time. Talk about keeping the grey cells ticking over. Had to get the tube home as I was out and about on a home visit. I cannot tell you how uncomfortable the tube is in summer. It is always crowded at the best of times but come summer it is vile. So many hot and sweaty people crammed into a tiny space. Joy oh joy, the luxury of living in London. Nice little surprise on the way home, as I received a call from another 'ghost' from the past. I think I must be omitting pheromones at the moment. It just goes to show that when you are giving out positive thoughts and you are happy in yourself, good things come your way. So once again, a lovely evening had and it was great to catch up over a bottle of very good wine that he brought. We haven't seen each other for about 12 months, in fact, the last time was the night before Meg's graduation last year. We just picked up where we left off and caught up with all our (well his) exciting news. But it really is so hot in London. Wednesday: I really feel in a good place at the moment. The problem is, I find myself, at times, thinking who is going to burst that bubble; or more like who will I allow to burst that bubble. Bart tried today, but will have to try harder, I am so on to him! Excellent day at work. I started off by going to Waitrose to get some lunch. That alone in Stoke would have been enough. I walked then to my desk and watched the boats go up the river as I sat and made phone calls. I really have picked the job up well and am just getting on with some of it now. I cannot tell you how good that feels. I am working for the most wonderful of charities, who care for their staff. That is apparent. This is why I come to London. Got home and Andy had cooked tea and I just sat back for the evening with a smug little smirk on my face. My home life is brilliant. Andy and I get on so well and our flat is a little gem. I have the most amazing job now, where the people are just so lovely and the job itself is really rewarding. I am out and about most of the day. Finally, friends. I have made some wonderful friend since arriving in London. OK no bloke yet but you all know how I feel about that. Five years on, I still do not know what I want or what I should be looking for, that will come and if it doesn't I will just get on with it and have some fun anyway. Life is feeling pretty damn good at the moment and long may it last. Thursday: So first day working from home and very nice it was as too. I had a home visit first thing and made my way up to North London and then back home for 1.00pm. I actually got so much done but I am disciplined. It reminds me of my OU days; you just have to get on with it. So not much else to report really. I have just said to Andy I feel like I am in a really good place at the moment. My new job is amazing, flat and home life is, as always, brilliant and my social life is on the up. All is well and long may it last. Friday: Well I fell over on the bus this morning, quite spectacularly actually. Obviously the Universe thought that I did not have enough bruises or aches to worry about so it would give me some more. I think I fell over my trouser leg and it was all in slow motion as I fell to my knees. No damage done; not even to my pride because let's face it no one cares in London. An elderly gentlemen went to help me up and asked if I was OK bless him. So I now have, ironically, skateboarder's knees ..... sigh. Excellent day at work and once again I learnt so much and met some more lovely people. This was my last day with my boss now for three weeks as she is going on annual leave before she leaves. So next week I am Home Alone! Not much else to report except that Andy and I have a theme going on with unreliable and travelling Americans. So in celebration of this we had American Cheesecake for pudding! All is well.
Well you will all know this song and I bet when you read the title you started to sing along as well. So just enjoy!
Saturday: Let it be said that you are never too old to try anything! I was up and out of the flat by 8.30am making my way over to Notting Hill. I got chatted up at the tube station and swapped numbers with a guy who is now texting me constantly ....... I am not interested but was too kind not to give him my wrong number. I was going to a rave.
I met my friend Tracey at the venue. I met Tracey a few years ago when were both on a training course at Staffordshire Council. She was late arriving and I saw here and said there was a chair the table with me and that was it, a kindred spirit, one of my tribe. We have kept in contact since and this weekend she was in London and said she was going to this rave and did I want to tag along. You bet I did.
To say I stood out on the tube would be an understatement. I had flowers in my hair and a little top on and flowers around me ........ Just a normal day in London. The venue was brilliant and the music was so, so good. We just danced and danced and danced and danced .... for four hours! I pulled a muscle in my leg and that was my body reminding me that I am not 29 lol but it was cool. Just good energy and so much love. I will definitely go to another one and it wont matter if I turned up alone either, it is that kind of thing.
We finally left to a blazing sunshine of a day. I was like a rat coming out of the whole as the sunshine hit my eyes as I hobbled back to the tube station. I got home and Andy had his friends over so I went to my room and grabbed a shower and hair wash and promptly fell asleep for an hour on my bed! A brilliant brilliant day and these people were so my tribe! So back to the flat and a chill out afternoon. Andy had friends over and one of them had a little dog who spent most of the afternoon with me in my room, which was rather nice. I pulled a muscle in my leg raving too much so took some painkillers and went to bed early lol. But still 29 in my head and such a great experience. I will be doing this again. Sunday: Up earlier than I really wanted to be as I was suppose to be meeting Tracey earlier. However, whilst I was waiting at the bus stop I received a
message to say that they had changed their plans and that she would not be coming to Trews. No worries, it was a beautiful morning and I was up and out and at Hoxton before nine. Sat by the canal having a coffee and chilling into the day. Trews was its usual relaxing self and afterwards Emma and I walked up to Islington (along the canal) to grab a coffee. We found a great Italian deli that served the most delicious coffee and sat there for a couple of hours chatting and putting the world to rights. I told her about the rave and she said that her and her sister are up for the next one, so all good. It has been a really hot day in London. Not always sunny but very warm. I am now wondering if this is summer? Caught the bus to the Southbank and had a walk along there, plenty of tourists but not much else happening. Went to Leake Street tunnel and there was not much there to look at either. I blame Brexit! That is my answer to everything at the moment. Back to the flat (with a bag of essential shopping) and time to kick back and chill. One of the many good things about being single is that you only have yourself to please and tonight I did. Bart rocked up (on skateboard) and we
'hanged out' out for a bit. He does make me laugh (as well as driving me mad). It is OK as I will never trust anyone every again and he knows, because I have continually told him, that he is way down the list of people I trust. But, I am living in the moment and he is and never would be, long term partner material, but he's my friend so all is well. Andy does not really approve but he doesn't have to approve, it is my choice. I did smile as he skated to the gate of our flat. So funny as that would never have happened in Stoke. So all in all a brilliant weekend. Drinks with new work colleagues, meeting up with Tracey and raving the Saturday away. Painkillers and little Bailey the beautiful dog. Early night and early Sunday starts. Mediation and coffee and chat. Beatrix and the Southbank and Bart. Ha ha. Just makes me smile.
I cannot lie, I was no familiar with this track. However, as usual, it is the lyrics that drew me to it. The song itself (in my opinion) is as haunting as the lyrics. As always, enjoy.
Monday: I was so looking forward to this Monday morning! Up and working from home, how lovely was that. I cooked eggs on toast (with marmite) and caught the bus up to Hackney. Wonderful day at work. I met some really interesting people and was out and about and by the time I arrived home at 5.45pm I had already done 10,000 steps. Andy had cooked dinner as tonight, for some stupid reason we were off to Southwark Playhouse to see Through The Mill by Ray Rackham. Now considering I wanted to just stay at home and take my bra off and watch Corrie I cannot tell you how much we both enjoyed this show. It was set in 1960 during the filming of the Judy Garland Show. There were three Judy Garlands: one young Judy that showed you her childhood and the early years of her career. Then a 29 year old Judy and finally and older Judy. The production, set, music and acting was astounding. All three Judys had the most amazing voice as they belted out tune after tune. The play showed a portrait of a legend, one who was feisty and courageous after a difficult childhood. It showed how sincere and funny she was but the tread than run throughout the who play was how tragic her life really was. The final song was obviously Over The Rainbow; a song that always makes me cry and tonight was no exception. However, the words of it now seem even more significant. A brilliant night out and we were both so pleased that we had made the effort to drag ourselves along. It just goes to show that sometimes when you think it is not going to be a good night, it turns into a terrific night. Tuesday: Early start today and I walked to London Bridge as the sun was shining. I had time so I popped into Guy's Chapel to touch base with my dear old Dad and then caught a train. A really busy day (again) but so rewarding. Pieces of the jigsaw puzzle are really taking shape and it feels good. Ended up back in the office (eventually) and catching up on more learning. Bus home and nipped into Tesco as I did not have a clue what I wanted for dinner. Back home and tonight it was bra off, feet up and back to back episodes of MasterChef which just made me hungry! All is good. I forgot to mention that whilst I as out and about yesterday walking the streets of London, I ended up at Waterloo. I had heard about this earlier on in the week but it was so good to be able to see it. Slap bang in the middle of the concourse at Waterloo Station is the Marsh-mellow man from Ghostbusters which has a new version just released. After I put my phone away I then noticed that the light fittings had green plasma all over them too. It was so cool. It looked so real. Very impressive and it was making everyone smile. Wednesday: So another busy day today. But it is all good. In fact, it is brilliant. I cannot believe how much I have learnt. Talk about keeping the little grey cells ticking over. It is so good to be out and about again too. I never left my desk (only to go to the toilet) in my previous job and now I am out and about, on trains, busses, underground, overground and Shanks's pony. Andy had a busy day too so we caved in (as we often do) and had a chip shop tea and that was that for the rest of the evening. We both did not move. So considering I fell asleep last night with my book in my hand and the TV still on when I woke up at 1.30am, I think I will be going to be very shortly. I may be exhausted but I am very, very happy. Thursday: A new day and a new part of London to be. I have gone from never ever leaving my desk to never being at my desk, which let's face it is going to be the dining room table for for most of the week. Amazing. So another busy day and then a blast from the past. See the trouble with me is I see the good in most people and just don't give up on them. I went over to Mile End in the east of London and met up with Bart. Yes the American. He rolled up on his skateboard and well, we were just so pleased to see each other. Huge hugs. We grabbed some beer and went and sat in the park. I did have to smile as he was so insistent that I do not sit on the grass but on his cardigan; I didn't. I was in control this time. However, I soon melted and caved in and we sat and talked and talked. I did give him a bit of bad time if I am honest, but I guess he deserved it. We both asked each other questions about what we had been up to and it was cool. We found a pub and sat there then went back to the park and sat on a bench have a hug and watching the moon. It was OK, it was a moment. I have told him that I am now in a good place and don't need crap in my life and because of visa complications he won't be around long. But we both agreed that no matter what else, we were friends. That is it, we are friends. Friday: This week has flown by and I have learnt so much and met some wonderful people. Another great day at work and after work my manager and myself went to the pub and were soon joined by some other colleagues. It was great we just sat chatting and I could just be myself; something I never was in my last job. I was slightly drunk as I made my way home feeling rather contented and blessed. It has been a good week.
It's Sunday so I guess we had to have this one. Not one of the more better known Blur tracks; but priceless all the same. As always, enjoy.
Saturday: Lazy start to the morning, drinking cups of tea from my bed whilst watching The Last Leg ..... because I can! I decided I wanted some fish for my dinner this evening so walked up to Borough Market. It was so busy, tourists, tourists, tourists and me trying to do some food shopping. Welcome to London. I brought some turbot and will cook it and have it with some new potatoes and salad for dinner this evening. I was a bit annoyed as I went to a coffee place I have used before and was told that unless I order cake with my coffee I cannot be served. I did remind them that this has not always been the case and also made a note to myself that when they are not so busy in February I will not bother returning. Back to the flat and updated last week's blog which was very short because of the week's events and also caught up with some paperwork. I spent the rest of the afternoon sorting out my room to accommodate all my work stuff. London has been very warm and close today, but no sunshine but not really the day to be moving stuff around. Quiet rest of the day, cooking my lovely fish and chilling to. It has made a great change from spending the whole weekend filling in job application forms! I feel as if I have my weekends back. Sunday: Up and out to Trews, oh how I much I love my Sunday mornings. Got catch up with the guys there and I walked down through Hoxton with Emma and Hannah and caught a bus to Oxford Street. I needed/wanted a new bag for work, something I can get all my 'stuff' in. I did try, I promise you I did, but needless to say I ended up in John Lewis and found exactly what I wanted. Quick drop into Molton Brown for some new hand cream. Regent Street is closed off every Sunday in July and it was just like Pride, walking down the middle of the road. It was such a good atmosphere, especially as the sun had come out. I had heard about some Street Opera that was taking place at 3.00pm; they were performing La Traviata and I was not disappointed. They had put down some fake grass and there were people having wine and a picnic, watching the opera. It was brilliant. It is days like this that I just love being in London. I watched the opera for about and hour and then walked down to Trafalgar Square and caught a bus to Waterloo Bridge and walked over the Bridge (my favourite one) smiling to myself as I still find it amazing that I am living in London. Check out the opera at or @operamobile. I then went to my favourite Southbank and sat in the sunshine on one of their new funky summer collection seats. There was a DJ playing on the balcony of the Southbank Centre and people were drinking and dancing and I so wanted to join them, but let's face it, it is not much fun on your own is it ..... sigh! So I sat on my new funky, plastic chair watching and joining in, well kind of. I then moved and went to sit on my favourite bench and watched the world go by. I did not want to go home but knew that I had to make tracks sooner rather than later, so made my way back home. So back home and there is something going round in my head today which is OK, I am in control of it, but there is a but. I will figure it out. All I will say is, regardless of whatever my daughter thinks of me, I never give up on people, even if they are people who I really should not waste my time on.
Southbank .... raving in the sunshine
So I really do feel as if I have my life back, well at least my weekends. I cannot tell you how lovely the weekend has been. Fingers crossed that I have turned yet another corner.
This is another of my favourite Blur tracks. Many of you will remember it as it featured in the British Gas advert a few years back. Lyrically, and in my opinion, Blur have some great songs and as always I hope you enjoy this one.
Monday: Well (hopefully) my last day of freedom. Started off the morning by doing the necessary paperwork and bits and bobs. The sun was shining (for once) so I knew I would have to go out and some point. So a trip to the library for some new reading material and then to the shops for some bits and bobs and that was very much the day to be honest. More paperwork completed for my new job and spoke to my Manager again and all seems well and I am rather excited about it. I already have appointment booked for Wednesday and will be out of the office all morning so far. You do not know how much I am looking forward to that. So bag packed, lunch ready and name put in my clothes (Andy said he is not getting anywhere putting my name in my knickers!) and all ready to start yet another new chapter. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday: Well this should give you a clue. I have been so busy. My first day in my job was brilliant but the next few days things got even better. I cannot tell how completely different the whole place is. I had more people speak to me on my first day in the office than I think I ever did in the whole time I was in my last job. Nothing is too much trouble. I have been given a brand new notebook, iPhone, stationery and can order anything I want to make my working from home comfortable. How cool is that. I cannot tell you all what a great feeling this week has been. I have done one home visit and have been out of the office. Next week I am hardly in the office at all. I rounded up the amazing week by going to the cinema with Andy to see Absolutely Fabulous. We went to the Picturehouse Central which is near to Piccadilly Circus. Some of you may recall I had a date there (well for coffee) a few months ago and thought it was a cool place. Tonight we went to the bar and had a couple of drinks and something to eat and then went to watch Absolutely Fabulous. Of course we did darling. It was amusing. I mean, it will not win any Oscars but it was funny and it was a great way to round up a fantastic week. Apologises for not much of a blog this week but normal service shall be resumed.
Another month, another band. Decisions, decisions, decisions. This month I shall be looking at Blur and I had to start off with this one. When I lived in Stoke and used to sing this song both Meg and JF said I sounded so southern (well I am) when I sang 'Just like you joggers who go round and round and round ....' Blur (like Squeeze who will be featured at some point) always reminded me of home. So as always, enjoy ...... you know what I mean?
Saturday: Today was one of those days when I really did have to make an effort. I guess it was because I have been away and now I was back in 'real life'. I also had my blog to write up which was like having homework to do. Still all done and dusted and I popped down to Asda to get a few bits and then back home. Later in the day I caught the bus up to Primrose Hill to meet my Meet Up group because to day we were having a picnic in the park.
Now the trouble with best laid plans is that the weather never listens. Today was no exception. Even though it is July you really would not believe it. That aside we did have good time. London is a melting pot of the world and in our group today there were British people, Chinese, Greek, Finish and Canadian and we played a Finish game called Molkky.
Molkky is basically 12 logs of wood numbered 1-12 which start off being placed together so they look like a fat tree trunk. Then each player stands some distance away and throws a bigger log at them. If one log falls down you get that score i.e. 8, but if you knock down say three logs you only score 3. It sounds simple; it is not. As the game progresses the logs get further and further apart. You have to score 50 to win but if you go over 50 your score goes back to 25. Also, if you miss the logs three times in a row (as I did) you are out! It was fun and it was all going well until a dog run over and picked up the large log, the one that we were throwing, and proceeding to run all around Primrose Hill with the log in it's mouth. It was so funny. The owner of the dog was doing her best to retrieve the log but the dog was not having any of it. Eventually, the game continued and along come the rain. You could see the black clouds coming over then passing over the city.
Chaos reigned again as another dog called Digby (we read his name on his collar) stormed through our picnic and started to eat anything he could get his mouth around! We could not find the owner so we decided to 'adopt' Digby and make a fuss of him. His owners did appear eventually and were very apologetic. By now the rain was back and I was wet and tired so decided to catch the bus back home. This is the first time I have been to Primrose Hill and the views of the city were lovely so I do think I will be returning.
Sunday: Back to my meditation group this morning. I have missed it. However, not as many people go now as the used to be which is a shame. That aside, it was good to catch up with people and their news (and mine). After meditation I caught the overground to Surrey Quays as I had planned to go to the cinema. However, I did treat myself to two new tops (because I can) then went to the cinema only to find out that the Odeon had done with that have done to me before, cancel the showing. I was not impressed.
Eventually caught the bus to the O2 and went to see Independence Day there. I had heard good and things about it. Personally, it would have been a good film to watch Boxing Day. Same old same old. Aliens come, America saves the world. Long live America. If I could have had a pound for every time I rolled my eyes I would have got my ticket free. But it was OK.
It has been great to have my weekends back again. No more applications to complete - just the weekend for me to choose what I want to do. All is well.
There was only going to be one last song from Queen and this was it. However, events took a different path as the seldom do for me and I shall be using yet another Queen song at the end of this blog. But back to this one. I love the lyrics of this song and would have it played at my funeral just so everyone cried! So moving and it was difficult to choose which lines to use. This was dear, sweet Freddie's last appearance and it is so painfully obvious how ill he was yet he can sing this song, with those words. However, as always enjoy ........ of and feel free to cry!
Monday: The good thing about a bucket list is the bucket never gets emptied. Today I was off to Barcelona. I have always wanted to go here. I caught the train from London Bridge to Gatwick Airport or Gatport Airwick as the late Ray Moore presenter on BBC2 used to call it. Whizzed through check in and security and into the shop to get my perfume. The woman who served me told me I had a discount voucher for 22% that could also be used in Jo Malone - big, big mistake. Two minutes later in Jo Malone I was served by a lovely guy and I was a perfume and a candle better off and quite a bit of money worse off. But hey, I saved 22% so almost got the candle for free ..... well that is my excuse.
At the gate I could not believe my bad luck as approximately 80 teenage girls were on my flight and were then sitting right behind me! I got talking to the young guy next to me who, along with two others, was off to Lloret de Mar for ten days and did not have a clue how to get there from Barcelona Airport. So there was I, just before the plane was taking off, Googling transport to Lloret for them. Young people, I ask you, they do not have a clue.
This was the first time I have flown with EasyJet and I was not disappointed; it was a good flight. I got talking to a woman who was on the flight for business and we had a good chat about travel. This is the good thing about travelling alone, you always have someone to chat with. Off the plane, through passport control and I was out in the sunshine purchasing my ticket for the transfer coach into the City which cost the princely sum of E10.80. Arrived at the main square in Placa de Catalunya and could not find the right route to walk. I did not want to get my phone out or a map as it makes it obvious that you are a tourist and lost. Eventually, found where I needed to be and I was off. I did have difficulty in finding my Guest House as it was not advertised and it appears that most places are not. However, I was certainly not disappointed when I arrived. A beautiful place, traditionally Spanish and beautiful oh and very reasonably priced.
The guy (Francisco) who showed me around kept saying this was my home for the next few days so be happy and relaxed here. I did not have the single room but the twin room and it was so clean. I had a quick shower and unpacked and
was ready to get out and about exploring. I walked out and have to say that some of the older Spanish guys are very appealing on the eye - oh and they have hair too! I found somewhere to get some food and had some paella which was very tasty but then it was time to find a bar to watch the England football match. Now I thought this would be easy; it was not. Spain had just been beaten by Italy so no one was very happy and I walked around and around trying to find a bar to watch the match. Time was creeping on but then I saw a guy in an England top and asked him and said they were going to an Irish Bar. I arrived at the bar and had to pay e10 to get in but you had that back in food or drink. So a bucket of beer later I was already to be once again disappointed by England. I was sitting with a young couple and gave him a couple of the beers as I slowly put an old ghost to rest by watching England lose whilst on holiday. I did have to smile as there was one guy there from Iceland and I congratulated him at the end of the match on his country's win - they deserved it. By now I was exhausted so found my way back to my new, beautiful little home. Tuesday: I called in the late night shop last night for a bottle of water and a bag of croissants. So this morning I sat in the sunshine drinking coffee and having my breakfast at the Guest House. I decided that I was going to use the tourist bus. I do not normally do this but I did not have a clue what I wanted to see and this seemed to be the best idea. It was only a few more euros for the two day ticket so opted for that. I sat upstairs on the bus and two women started to speak to me in Spanish. I guess they thought I was local as no man in tow or children. I was absolutely amazed at the stunning architecture of the City and was not disappointed one little bit. When it is warm I do not each much during the day and today was no exception but I did get rather thirsty. Barcelona has some of the most beautiful buildings I think I have every seen. However, I am bias as I do like art nouveau and the city is full of it; heavily influenced by Guadi. The queue to see the Cathedral was a four hour weight and I decided not to bother. So back on my little bus and off to Park Guell which is full of Gaudi's work. There was a two hour wait but that was fine as I went to grab a salad and a drink and the time soon flew by. The Park was out of this world. Such detail. I fell totally in love with his work and imagination. This guy was so far before his time. Amazing. I really wished I had Beatrix (my camera) with me as I could have spent ages taking photos. However, I did not do so bad with my iPhone. I also wish I had my friend Sarah with me as she speaks Spanish and all I could perfect was 'one diet coke thank you'. Us British really are quite terrible with other languages. So back on Brendan's Coach Trip bus and once again saw Camp Neu the football ground. It is absolutely massive and the headphones were telling me that it holds almost 100,000 people. Just think about that. By now it was around 8.00pm and I was tired, thirsty and hungry as I had been out all day. I had seen a rather nice looking restaurant earlier on so thought I would make my way back and eat there tonight. I was not disappointed, the woman who served me was around my age and once she got over the shock (for her) of me being on my own we managed a little conversation in our broken English/Spanish. I had not realised how hungry I was until my food come which consisted of some bread with salsa and mayo and then the most tasty paella. I did smile because the restaurant displayed a sign that proudly said that all their food was fresh not frozen and you could actually tell as the seafood was so delicious and my mouth is watering again thinking about it. My peace and quiet was rudely taken away from me by a group of young people from Australia and America who had obviously all just met at the hostel they were staying at. It got me thinking that everyone should travel as it really does open up your mind and gives you so many experiences. Back to my accommodation and my face resembled a tomato - bugger! So smothered it in aloe vera gel. As I could not take my usual bag because of the pick pockets I could not take my sun cream with me - fatal mistake and now I looked like a very angry tomato faced woman. C'est la vie! Wednesday: Forehead not happy. It is my fault, I normally have a fringe so I guess this was fresh new skin. Fortunately, being a woman, I had some 'stuff' with me that covered it up a bit but I did think stuff it, I am never going to see these people again so let's just get on with it. First stop today was at the Museu de Modernisme and I this was a good idea as it was inside and cool. The Museum was wonderful and had some of the most beautiful furniture on display. I have always liked Art Nouveau and this place was like heaven for me. I got back on my bus and then realised about ten minutes later that I was on the blue bus and needed to be on the red one grrrrr! An hour later (yes I know and after seeing the bloody football ground yet again) I changed bus and got off at Creu Coberta for some lunch. I asked the woman what tabas really goes with each other as I did not have a clue and had some of the lovely tomato bread thing again and a huge dish of spicy prawns. Delicious. The restaurant itself was stunning and very traditional. However, I enjoyed the warmth and sat outside eating. There really is something so lovely about being able to eat outside and just watching the world go by. Back on the bus (the right one) and got off at the Olympic Stadium and had a look around there. I remember this from the 1992 Olympic Games and here I was look it all. Back on the bus and off at Port Vell and walked up La Ramblas as I thought I should make the effort. Nope, I still did not like it. Far too touristy however my friend Lee had told me about a market just off La Ramblas that I should go and look at. It is called Boqueria Market and I was not disappointed. I do like a market. The food on display was just a rainbow of colour. There were stalls of meat and fish and seafood and even thought it was quite busy it was a good experience to have a look around. I found magosteens there (I fell in love with these whilst in the Far East) so I had to buy some. Continued up La Ramblas and treated myself to a drink in Cafe Zurich (yes it made some people giggle) then back to my room where I lay on my bed and promptly fell asleep for two hours. Up, washed, showered and out for my final evening in Barcelona. It was lovely and warm and I just wandered around soaking up the atmosphere and architecture and loving the moment. Yet another meal that was wonderful and then strolled back to my room, quite stuffed and content. Travelling on your own gives you time to think and I guess I really do not need anyone in my life to make it complete as I feel pretty blessed as it is; however, I guess it would be nice now and then to have someone around .......... but still not sure! Thursday: Quiet breakfast and then time to pack, which let's face it did not take long and then just sat back and relaxed for a bit. Said my goodbyes to the guys at the guest house and walked to the airport bus. It is funny how after a few days, you start to find your way around and the place feels like home. I did have to smile as I was looking for the next video I am going to post as any trip to Barcelona would not be complete without using this video and the fact that I have been using Queen songs this month! So there I was, on the bus to the airport, watching this video and as you watch it you will see the two towers at Placa de Espanya and there I was looking at them. That was a moment. So enjoy this extra treat.
Freddie was right, Barcelona is a beautiful city and I have always loved this song but do think that I love it a little bit more now. Thank you Freddie.
Good flight home and I was soon on the train to London Bridge. I did manage to pick up another new person on my journey. I heard a guy ask which train was to London Bridge so he ended up travelling into town with me. His name was Raphael from Toulouse in France and he was about 18 coming to London to work for two months to practise his English. I told him to make the most of it as that is all going to stop (makes me so bloody angry). He was a lovey guy and his girlfriend is already hear working (again that won't be allowed under the new regime - heaven's forbid we can learn about other cultures and ways of life). We had a good chat all the way into London Bridge and it was obvious other people on the train were listening to us. We said our goodbyes with that French kissy thing they do (and I love) and I wished him a happy life and walked home to my flat.
So that was Barcelona done and dusted. I really stunning city and I am so pleased that once again I just got on with it an created more memories.