Sunday 24 July 2016

Come on, Come on, Come on Get through it. Come on, Come on, Come on Love's the greatest thing That we have I'm waiting for that feeling I'm Waiting for that feeling Waiting for that feeling to come (Tender - Blur)

 The lyrics (once again) of this Blur song really sum up how feel right now on Sunday evening.  I am in a really good place at the moment, yet.  I read something yesterday that I thought was so moving, so beautiful. It comes from a U2 song and to paraphrase the words are:

 'There is no end to grief and that is how I know that love never dies'

So back to Blur.  What can I say.  Just read or listen to the rest of the lyrics to this song.  As always, enjoy.

Saturday:  I now have the luxury of two Waitroses near to where I work; a small one and a brand new one which, ironically due to the theme in Andy and my own life at the moment, is right by the new American Embassy.  Well that aside and thanks to Waitrose, I had sough dough bread, avocado and scrambled egg for breakfast.  My favourite start to the day. 

So out and about today.  Bus up to Hoxton where I brought myself a summer dress, yes me in a summer's dress. Overground to New Cross and a mooch around the Sainsbury's and another new top and then back home.  Lazy afternoon then out this evening with my Meet Up group to a selection of pubs in Camberwell.  I met my friend The Man outside the tube and then we caught a bus down to Camberwell.  The first pub we went in was brilliant, I really liked it there.  Over the pumps they had a piece of art and the guy behind the bar was telling me that when they opened they invited local artists to create something. So I have included a photo here and a few more at the end for you to enjoy. 

We went to the other two pubs but to be honest I would have preferred to stay in the first one. Lovely little group.   I really do enjoy this Meet Up.  Shame PPLP did not join us but that is what happens when you move out of town with no tube.  Everything is just too much effort to come back into town.  The Man and I were so hungry by then so we said our goodbyes and went to mine. I rang Andy and he ordered pizza.  So back home all three of sat and ate pizza laughing and joking.  Andy and The Man got on very well and I will not say that I am singing Matchmaker, Matchmaker make me a match in my head, but let's say I have a smile.  Made the sofa up for The Man and that was it time for bed.

I have said it before and I will say it again, when I have had a drink all forms of communication should be taken off me!  Tonight I also had lager and that always makes me lary and tonight, sigh was no exception.  Not prepared to share what I did but needless to say it was passive aggressive (my best form of defence) and brutal.

Sunday:  Awoke to mixed feelings but as always put on a brave face.  Andy was out early and me and The Man sat and chatted until it was time for him to go
too.  I took Beatrix and went out and about in my neighbourhood, wandering, trying to contain thoughts in my head.  I love my neighbourhood and it does not take even me long to walk to some beautiful places. 

I just wandered around like a lost little soul, trying to process and clear my actions.  I sat in the park for an hour, just watching the world go by.  The sun must have felt my confusion as it just decided to hide for most of the afternoon behind the clouds.  Eventually, I made my way back home.  As I walked home a guy passed by me, he must have been late 60s and as we passed he said, in his very south London accent 'alright girl' I smiled and said yes thank you. Then after we past I burst into tears, he sounded just like my
dear old Dad.  Crazy but so true. It is such a South London expression, one that I would never have heard in Stoke.  Got back to the flat and felt meh.  My friend Cherise called me and we had such a lovely talk on the phone.  I do miss my girlie chats.  I told her my dilemma and she thought I was brilliant; I feel meh.  It was so good to speak with her. I do miss people.

Andy come home and we decided to put the printer together.  I have a printer now as I will be primarily working from home.  So there we were at the table when I just blurted out that I had done something so bad and burst into tear. Andy thought WTF. So I spilt the beans. We sat and talked (I cried) about it and as usual he could see the whys and wherefores and we talked.  So a quiet evening and I just went to bed at 9.00pm, wanting the day to finish and a new one to start.  However, I am waiting for an old skateboard to come flying through my window any day now.  Oh well, onwards and upwards.

As always, with my love x 
Funky Beer Pumps

Funky Beer Pumps


  1. There's few things I wouldn't do for a nice branch of Waitrose right now, even at their prices.
    I hate that feeling of waking up after a few drinks and remembering what you did the night before, but probably not as bad as you think.
    There's a company that blocks your phone for you, to stop you making drunken phone calls to your exes, although the phone was never my problem and I was always more likely to leave semi rude messages on people's social media. Or buy stuff I don't really want on eBay.
    Have a good week

  2. Hello Sarah. Yes they can be pricey but it is lovely food. I am terrible for doing this, I always have been. I remember years and years ago I come in from the work's Christmas party and called my brother to tell him I loved him and he put my niece on the phone who was 18 months and left me to it. I was chatting away for ages. Nothing changes, just the amount of equipment I can use to do the damage. Oh well. Nothing has happened yet, thank goodness lol hugs and love xx

  3. We don't have a Waitrose in Nantwich. :-(. Was it the missing of those girlie chats which made you sad last night? Good you had another moment to remind you of you Dad. Bet he was a Diamond Geezer. Ooh da Man. What an interesting nickname.

  4. Hello Ian. Your nearest Waitrose is Sandbach and tha this the one I had to use until they opened one in Leek; then I moved lol. Yes I often think of my dear old Dad. I still miss him after all these years but kind of feel nearer to him living here. The Man is called so because the children near to where he lives scream its The Man its The Man as he tells them off for kicking the ball into his garden lol x
